What Is The Real Cost For The Expo & Millennium Line Extensions? A Repost From 2022.
The following post is from a September 14, 2022 and I am re-posting because Zwei was wrong about the cost of the 16 km Expo Line extension to Langley. Evidently, my cost estimates were out by $1.5 to $2.5 billion as the provincial government recently announced that the cost of the 16 km extension to […]

The North Shore’s “Hobson’s Choice”
From: Rail for the Valley For the past 17 years, Rail for the Valley has advocated for the “return of the interurban” on the former Vancouver to Chilliwack BC Electric interurban line that still connects Vancouver to Chilliwack, via Surrey/Cloverdale; Langley; Abbotsford and Vedder/Sardis. Rail for the Valley, due to the soundness of the plan, […]

SkyTrain’s Daddy – The Krauss Maffei Transurban MAGLEV
OK children, a little history lesson, ALRT’s (SkyTrain) ancestor, The Krauss Maffei Transurban MAGLEV. For those who believe that, what we call SkyTrain, is a great Canadian invention, will be sad to hear it is not, not even close; it is a mix and match transit system, using largely discarded 1960′s and 70′s German technology. […]

Five Reasons Why The NDP Don’t Want The “Return of the Interurban”.
This post was released on Wednesday, February 11, 2009,under the title, “Five reasons Why Gordo and his ‘Falcon’ don’t want the “Return of the Interurban”. It is still relevant today, only the names have been changed. Under the NDP, nothing has changed. So, with a little tweaking here and updating there, we have the […]

TransLink’s BRT – What Is The Real Story?
BRT – A View From a Canadian Transit Expert – A Repost from 2015 Today’s post is a re post from 2015 and 2023, is an an interesting piece offered by Mr. Haveacow, a transit specialist from Ottawa who has good knowledge of Canadian public transit. He wishes to be anonymous because of Canada’s arcane […]

The 1986 LRTA Study: Bus – LRT – Metro Comparison
From 2016 I have not reprinted this for a while, but I see a rise of anti-LRT cods-wallop on local and social media and a reply must be made. Every year I reprint this post to remind everyone of the ability to move large amount of people at an affordable cost. There is an ongoing […]

If you tell a SkyTrain lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.
This is an updated post from 2009. The title quote by Joseph Goebbels, famed Nazi propagandist, aptly describes the SkyTrain lobby’s and BC Transit/TransLink’s thirty year long propaganda campaign to sell SkyTrain and discredit modern light rail. The many pro-SkyTrain blog sites that offer little in fact, but much unfounded rhetoric. All the bumf […]

“Even Your Auditor General Seems To Have Done His Sums On The Back Of An Envelope.”
From 2013, updated. I am reposing this from 2013 because I just heard on the radio, the often repeated nonsense, that SkyTrain has a greater capacity than light rail. The SkyTrain light metro system doesn’t and it never did. From Thales News Release concerning the $1.47 billion signalling upgrade of the Expo and Millennium […]

Zwei Sends A Letter
I will send the following letter to all municipal and provincial politicians in November and it will be ignored, as usual. This does not surprise me because our current lot don’t want to acknowledge the truth, lest they be embarrassed by past politically inspired decisions. Six figured salaried planners and engineers are merely telling politicians […]

BRT – A View From a Canadian Transit Expert – A Repost from 2015
Mr. Haveacow, who frequently comments on the RftV blog, is a Canadian public transit specialist and what he says deserves to be listened to. As he is active in the transit profession in Canada, he would like to keep his real name out of the media, lest he be black listed for his views. The […]
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