Rail for the Valley – Saturday March 16 PRE-ELECTION WORKSHOP
To all supporters of Rail for the Valley,
The election is just around the corner! Our Society has been hard at work on some ideas for the provincial election. If you want to get involved and put regional rail service for the Fraser Valley on the map this coming election, please attend this upcoming workshop:
To all friends of Rail for the Valley:
It was agreed at our Friends of Rail for the Valley board meeting onAi??February 20, 2013 that Graham Dalton would arrange forAi??a workshop to help us all become more effective before the BC Election campaignAi??in promoting a light railway from Surrey to Chilliwack. Graham has spoken to Sheila Muxlow and she agreed to do a workshop for us. This will be a seminar for the Rail for the Valley Election campaign. All will be welcome. Sheila is currently Campaign Director for the Water Wealth Project.
Date:Ai??Ai??Saturday, March 16
Time:Ai??9:00am to 12:00
Address: 45668 Storey Avenue, Chilliwack
This is Sheila’s office. (behind 7-11 on Vedder Rd)
Phone:Ai??604-858-8021Ai??(Sheilaai??i??s office)
Volunteer Recruitment
Power Mapping
Media Strategy
Before the upcoming Provincial Election,
Rail for the Valley wants to reachAi??allAi??the candidates and the voters.
We need everyoneai??i??s input.Ai??Ai??Come, learn and help.
Graham Dalton, TreasurerAi??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??604-316-6774Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??ghdalton@smartt.comAi??
Myrtle Macdonald, Membership SecretaryAi??Ai??604-795-6390Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??
John Vissers, PresidentAi??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??Ai??