Can A City Fall In Love With A Tram?



A tram fits in.

A tram fits in.

Trams have high capacity.

Trams have high capacity.


Trams can be passenger trains.

Trams can be passenger trains.

A tam is user-friendly!

A tam is user-friendly!

Trams are GREEN!

Trams are GREEN!

Trams are cycle freindly.

Trams are cycle friendly.

Trams can be fun!

Trams can be fun!

Can Vancouver fall in love with trams?


One Response to “Can A City Fall In Love With A Tram?”
  1. CharlesIII says:

    Vancouver did in 2010 when it borrowed a couple trams from Brussels which you have a picture it here. The first picture. The city of Vancouver spent about $50 million upgrading the track from Cambie to Granville. Now it just sits unused. Bring back the Olympic line.

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