Canada Line Deja Vu

Subways tend to cause ground subsidence and when two two cylindrical tunnel boring machines (TBMs), six metres wide and weighing around a million kilograms, gnaws away underground, subsidence will occur.

Memo to Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation: It is not vibrations you should be worried about, it is subsidence as the tunnel boring machine chews through the earth below.

TransLink knows this.

The City of Vancouver knows this.

The provincial government, especially the Minister of Transportation  knows this.

Yet, no compensation for business owners when the TBM causes issues to their building.

Pretending its not our fault just does not cut it.

Government just does not give a damn.

TransLink, the city of Vancouver and the provincial government, having learned nothing with the Canada Line fiasco, blunder ahead with the subway, with a “what me worry” attitude.

Premier Eby is spending billions of dollars on politcal friends and insiders, to buy himself an election, while ignoring the business folk on Broadway and flipping the bird at their woes.

The NDP, as always, never understood public transit, other than a politcal tool to garner votes at election time.

Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 22-31-32 Google Maps

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