Embarrassment! TransLink Tells SkyTrain Customers To Go Home.

Once again, TransLink demonstrates to all that it can’t operate a popcorn stand, let alone a transit system.

TransLink has known since 1986 that the mini-metro performs poorly in the snow, yet they do little or nothing to rectify the situation.

At the same time, the bus system is reduced to shambles in snow, yet TransLink’s lethargy and incompetence takes over, such as continuing to operate articulated buses, even though they do not operate in the snow.

It seems snow is the Achilles heel of the proprietary light metro and is the leading reason Toronto wants to retire their system when it soon becomes “life-expired”. Similar complaints from the JFK/Port Authority, who operate one as well, and it to will be retired when it becomes life expired, replaced by a regular subway line.

TransLink blunders on and on, refusing to accept that there is a problem and today, actually told people on the train platforms to go home.

Sadly, TransLink, its CEO and senior management remain ignorant about user friendliness or customer needs; same as the Mayor’s Council on Transit, who  could not care less.

It is time Premier Horgan to show some moral courage and abandon TransLink and start over. Managerial rot and political ennuihas taken over and unless swift action it taken, the regional transit system will become more than a joke, it will be a provincial embarrassment!

Multiple SkyTrain stations closed Wednesday morning due to snow

Jan 15 2020

Tuesday night’s heavy snowfall has caused significant, system-wide delays across Metro Vancouver’s transit system.

In a statement, TransLink spokesperson Ben Murphy said to expect “significantly slower service on the transit system today.”

“Customers are asked to consider whether they need to travel today,” writes Murphy in an email. “And, if there is a need, whether they could consider travelling outside of rush hours, as commutes will take significantly longer than usual.”

Now, beyond just the buses, SkyTrain stations are experiencing closures due to the snow.

Other closures included Sapperton and Braid stations.

It’s gotten so bad, in fact, that TransLink is advising SkyTrain customers who are already waiting at stations to go home.

Earlier on Tuesday morning, TransLink announced that the Expo and Millennium Lines were facing system-wide delays due to freezing door and train issues.

A Snowfall Warning remains in effect for the region, as total amounts of 10 to 15 cm are expected.

The snow is expected to ease by late morning, according to Environment Canada.

News Flash!

TransLink didn’t bother to maintain station platforms. Photo of Gillmore Station



One Response to “Embarrassment! TransLink Tells SkyTrain Customers To Go Home.”
  1. Hi
    Can I please use this photo in a book about the REM? Could you please tell me a bit about its format? You are way ahead of us in terns of Skytrain humour.

    many thanks
    Laurel Thompson

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