How does the BS Line Compare To Edmonton, Calagary and Ottawa?

The proposed 5.7 km Broadway SkyTrain subway, just to Arbutus is funded up to $2.84 billion, but not including cars. The cost is expected to rise to $3.5 billion before the project is completed.

A comparison with Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa easily demonstrates that taxpayers in those cities are getting a far bigger bang for their buck by building with light rail.

Please compare Vancouver’s 5.7 km, $3.5 billion subway BS Line with Calgary’s, Edmonton’s and Ottawa’s new LRT lines and extensions.

Stage 1 for Calgary’s Green Line.

• 20 km from 16 Avenue N to 126 Avenue SE
• 14 stations
• 8 bridges
• 1 km of elevated track between Inglewood/Ramsay to 26 Avenue stations
• 4 km Centre City tunnel from 16 Avenue N to Macleod Trail (this constitutes over one half of the cost of the project)
• 1 light rail vehicle (LRV) Maintenance & Storage Facility north of 126 Avenue SE (Shepard)
• Approximately 70 low floor vehicles
• $4.65 billion capital construction cost


Edmonton’s Valley LRT Line Stage 1 & 2


Stage 1 Valley Line Southeast (Building)


The Valley Line Southeast will run 13 km from Downtown to Mill Woods, and will feature:

  • 11 street-level stops
  • An elevated station with a 1,300-spot Park and Ride facility and a full transit centre located in the Wagner industrial area
  • The new Tawatinâ Bridge across North Saskatchewan River
  • A short tunnel from the north face of the River Valley through to the Quarters redevelopment
  • An interchange point at Churchill Square to access the existing Metro and Capital LRT lines

This project has a capital cost of $1.8 billion, and is being delivered as a public-private partnership (P3).


Stage 2 Valley Line (Funding Secured)


Total Cost $2.67 Billion


  • 16 stations, (14 surface and 2 elevated)
  • 14.2 km length Lewis Farms to downtown stage 1 end of track on 102 Ave.
  • 42 More Low Floor Light Rail Vehicles

On both Stage 1 and 2 station platforms will be 120 to 125 metres long, which allow for 3 car train sets. Initial operation will start with 2 car trains. Each car is 42 metres long.


Confederation Line Stage 1 (about to open)


  • 12.5 KM, (2.5 in tunnel, includes 3 stations)
  • 13 Stations in total
  • 34 Alstom Citadis LRV’s
  • 100 metre long station platforms, expandable to 120. Tunnel stations already have 120 metre long platforms.
  • Total Cost $2.137 Billion


Confederation Line Stage 2 (Starting construction in April 2019)


  • 44 km of line service over 2 lines.
  • 6 km is below grade (very shallow).
  • 8 km of existing line to be refurbished. 24 stations in total.
  • Total Cost $4.66 Billion
  • Station platform length 100 meters, easily expanded to 120 metres. All below grade stations are already 120 metres long.
  • 38 more Alstom Citadis Spirit LRV’s (Confederation Line, Line 1)
  • 97 Metre long 2 car train sets
  • Each individual LRV is 48.5 metres long, which can be expanded a further 11 metres by adding a fifth section. Making each 2 car train 119 metres long!


Ottawa O-Train Network


  • 7 Stadler FLIRT DMU’s 80 meters long each. (Trillium Line, Line 2)
  • Diesel Propulsion Unit can be replaced with Electric Propulsion Unit when required.



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