How Many Fatal Accidents Does it Take For Politicians to Support A Chilliwack To Vancouver TramTrain!


On Wednesday last (Aug. 9) the misses and I went to Harrison Hot Springs for some well deserved R & R. The trip to Harrison only confirmed the need for a Vancouver to Chilliwack rail service, to give aAi?? transportation option for those living in the Fraser Valley.

The many accidents, that I passed confirmed that the present Ministry of Transportation planning is non functional and in fact, somewhat delusional.

The first accident, which later turned out to be a fatal, happened on the dangerous Nordel Way/Alex Fraser Bridge complex, which backed traffic all the way to Hwy.17. Two more ‘rear enders’ on the bridge only added to the traffic woes.

The next accident, was on the Number 1 near 232nd St. and involved at least three semi’s and a car. The number one was closed West bound as an air ambulance was called, backing traffic all the way to Bradner Road! The radio reported three more less serious accidents elsewhere on the highway.

To add insult to injury, the Number 1 Hwy. was closed for hours in the late afternoon and evening due to a fire at a lumber mill along side the highway.

Gingerly driving across the Fraser River at Mission, we continued along Hwy 7, a pleasant drive most days.

Again the radio reported two accidents further West, in Maple Ridge, which closed the highway locally for some time. Crossing into Harrison Mills, Hwy 7 was closed due to a fatal accident, again involving two semi’s and a car and traffic was diverted literally through local corn fields, until the police finished their accident investigation.

Since my return Friday afternoon and traveling less known country roads because the Number 1 was closed due to a major accident, the Number 1 has been closed at least tow more times, includingAi?? yesterday’s fatal accident!

What does it take to convince valley politicians to demand reinstating passenger rail service to Vancouver? How many more people must die, before a rail option is built?

Rail for the Valley has the plan and all we need is the political will to make it happen.


One Response to “How Many Fatal Accidents Does it Take For Politicians to Support A Chilliwack To Vancouver TramTrain!”
  1. Faulks Dick says:

    Cited in this commentary are a number of “accidents” and resultant delays in mobility for hundreds or thousands of other users of ‘high-ways’.

    Perhaps some knowledgeable folk could research data (ICBC’s on costs for property, injury and death) for a comparison with “the cost” of ‘rail-ways’.

    Research should be province-wide; covering areas where Rail SHOULD be chosen; the Fraser Valley, the north Okanagan and Vancouver Island.

    Zwei replies: Trouble is, government does not want the answers! In Europe this is done when building a new Light rail line. Included in financing is the savings in both hospital and auto insurance claims. Detractors of LRT cite tram car accidents, what they don’t say is that there are ten times more car accidents on a transit route before the tram was built.

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