Much Ado About Nothing
Posted by zweisystem on Friday, March 8, 2024 · 1 Comment
Lots of bad news around the NDP this week so including Selina Robinson’s resignation letter, which claimed antisemitism among her colleagues and indifference, so why not a SkyTrain announcement, as everyone loves SkyTrain.
The key point in this story is “the province remains in final contract negotiations…..”, so it is obvious the claimed cost from 2021 of $4.01 billion, isn’t $4.01 billion in 2024.
Accounting for inflation that $4.01 billion in 2021 is now $4.57 billion in 2024.
So the negotiations are probably about increased costs due to inflation and more.
Meanwhile TransLink is on the stump pleading for more money and is getting short shrift from the taxpayers.
Until there is a signed contract, stating the full cost, this is just another example of out mainstream media citing government press releases as real news.
Early work to start on Surrey-Langley SkyTrain line as guideway build team named
Posted March 7, 2024
The Surrey-Langley SkyTrain project is inching closer to construction.
On Thursday, the province revealed it had selected SkyLink Guideway Partners as its preferred proponent to design, build and finance the project’s elevated guideway and associated roadworks and utilities.
The consortium includes Dragados Canada, Ledcor Investments, Ledcor Mining and SYSTRA International Bridge Technologies.
The province remains in final contract negotiations with the group, but the Ministry of Transportation said the consortium is already set to begin early work preparing for major construction.
That work includes geotechnical investigations, identifying utilities and clearing vegetation.
The project will be built under three separate contracts.
The province remains in talks over bids to build eight new stations along the line and to install electrical systems and trackwork.
When complete, the 16-kilometre extension to the SkyTrain Expo Line will link King Goerge Station to Langley City Centre.
The $4.01-billion extension is slated to open in 2028.
Update: The preceding news story has been scrubbed from the website. 2024-03-08 8:50 AM.
This seems strange to us on our side of the pond. The contracts have not been let, yet the companies are starting work?
Also, is the $4.01 billion mention current? Does it include the track work? The stations? The electrical?
Is the cost much greater than $4.01 billion? As we read this, the cost is considerably higher and with no contract let.
Business in Canada continues to be puzzling.