Roses in full bloom along Tokyo’s only tram line

How about roses blooming along the Arbutus corridor complete with trams?
Roses are in full bloom along the only streetcar line in TOKYO, Japan’s capital city, according to “the-japan-news dot com” site:altAi??alt

Roses in full bloom along streetcar line

May 22, 2016

The Yomiuri Shimbun

Ai??Roses in full bloom at Machiya Station on the Toei Streetcar Arakawa Line in Arakawa Ward, Tokyo, on May 12

Roses along the Toei Streetcar (Toden) Arakawa Line in Tokyo are at their best now, delighting passengers.

The Arakawa Ward government has been cultivating about four kilometers of roses along the streetcar line since 1985. Large roses in red, pink, yellow and other colors are in full bloom around Machiya Station along the Arakawa line, their sweet fragrance drifting through the area.

ai???Theyai??i??re really beautiful. I never get tired of looking at them,ai??? Toshiko Matsuo, 89, said as she approached the flowers. She lives in the neighborhood and takes a walk every day.

According to the ward governmentai??i??s roads and parks section, the best time to see the roses this year is up through late this month.

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