STOP PRESS – Another Transit Study For The Fraser Valley. In Time For The Next Election?

Zwei is going to reserve comment, except for the fact that Rail for the Valley’s  Leewood Study, lays the groundwork for a viable regional rail service for the Fraser Valley.

The Leewood Study, please click here.

Transportation planning study launches in Fraser Valley


As part of BC’s Restart Plan, the Province is examining a range of possibilities to support growth in the Fraser Valley to help ensure the development of affordable, liveable communities.

“We know that more and more people are choosing the Fraser Valley to live, work and raise their children,” said Claire Trevena, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “Traffic congestion in the Fraser Valley continues to be a problem for people. We need to develop transportation networks and invest in solutions that support the successful growth of the Fraser Valley for the people who live and work there, now and in the future.”

This broad transportation and development study is underway. It will look at traffic congestion and travel demand in the fast-growing region and examine and evaluate options for new transit and transportation initiatives in the Fraser Valley.

“We are working together with local government and Indigenous partners on this study, and we will also be talking to local residents and business owners to get feedback,” said Selina Robinson, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing. “Findings will inform transportation and development projects that consider trade corridor needs. We want to focus on continuing to create a good quality of life for citizens in the Fraser Valley, and we are asking what solutions will contribute to this in a positive way.”

Nearly 60% of B.C.’s population lives in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley – nearly three million British Columbians. Decisions on transportation and development in this region have consequences for every part of the province in terms of economic recovery, trade network resilience and housing opportunities. The purpose of the study is to look for opportunities to help reduce future traffic congestion, such as worker mobility, shorter commutes and managing traffic demand.

Improvements to transportation infrastructure are a critical piece of economic recovery – ensuring people have more opportunities for well-paying jobs, shorter commutes and more time to spend with their families.

The ministry also continues to support local, regional and inter-regional transit, and will continue to work with TransLink on its Transport 2050 plan, as well as BC Transit, local governments and their communities to investigate ways to more efficiently move people within and through the region.


Bob D’Eith, MLA for Maple Ridge-Mission –

“When we build new infrastructure, we want to build intelligently and with people at the forefront of these decisions. I am excited about this work and how it will help to promote liveable communities for British Columbians. We are focused on building strong transportation networks that will serve our communities, whether people are driving their vehicles, taking the bus or riding their bikes.”

Henry Braun, mayor, City of Abbotsford –

“One of the most significant challenges facing the City of Abbotsford and for the Fraser Valley region continues to be transportation. We know that effective and efficient transportation systems generate employment and economic development, as well as job creation for local communities. This study will provide useful information as the growth of our economy relies on a safe, reliable and efficient multi-modal transportation network; especially as communities look to expand markets for our key local sectors, such as manufactured goods, agri-foods and aerospace.”

Learn More:

More information about the Fraser Valley Transportation Study is available here:


3 Responses to “STOP PRESS – Another Transit Study For The Fraser Valley. In Time For The Next Election?”
  1. Nathan Davidowicz says:

    There is also a transportation study for the North Shore.
    Need an overall study for lower mainland. Need regional bus and rail services.
    Population could double from 3 to 6M if proper transi is provided.
    You are probably right nothing will be done until next provincial
    How the 3 regional districts FVRD MVRD SLRD will communicate together to get proper transit is another question.

  2. Major Hoople says:

    The problem with studies is that they deal with yesterday’s problems, yet fail deal with tomorrow’s problems. They tend to be a wish list that what politicians want us to hear.

    What we see missing is any reference using the likes of Siemens or Alstom and if the study does not include a major player, it will not be worth the paper it is printed on.

    We have seen far too much of this to see any positive outcome.

  3. Haveacow says:

    A new transportation study can be a good thing but the document’s ultimate level of usefulness is entirely dependant on the government whom was responsible for its publishing it in the first place. Do they want to do at all, what the report suggests?

    I remember Rob Ford trying to study privately funded subways in Toronto. After being warned by a lot of experts that this was a non-starter to begin with. The final report pointed out that even the most privately funded subway lines still required ultimately that, roughly 50% of the line’s capital costs and a great deal of the operating costs (62% – 77% depending on the jurisdiction) had to be government/publicly funded if the venture was going to be successful. This was not what Rob Ford and his supporters wanted to hear and the idea was quickly dropped.

    Zwei replies: My fears exactly. Regional and provincial governments are fixated on SkyTrain and commuter rail and will fire anyone who opposes this, just like what Happened to TransLink’s top two planners.

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