The ULI Land Developers Want A Subway – Surprise, Surprise, Surprise
From a group that claimed it would not talk about mode, the the Urban Land Institute, backs a subway and says “avoid light rail”.
Zwei knew from the beginning this was nothing more than an elaborate set up to support Vancouver’s demand for a subway and to further support the almost discredited policy of ‘densification – Vancouver style‘, which is putting massive highrises on rezoned land for future SkyTrain stations, which ensures very healthy profits for mostly friends of the government. The ULI, sells this Lysenkoist drivel like a medicine man, selling ‘snake oil‘ to the local rubes.
Definition of Lysenkoism: metaphorically describes the manipulation or distortion of the scientific process as a way to reach a predetermined conclusion as dictated by an ideological bias, often related to social or political objectives.
In the real world, it takes several transit specialist, many months to plan for transit mode and to see if a very expensive subway is warranted; the ULI did it in five days and several luncheons later, but then the ULI are not transit experts and the the result was well planned prior to the ‘investigation’.
The ULI were not even expert enough to see that the short (80 metre) SkyTrain stations would have less capacity than a modern LRT. Short SkyTrain station platforms equals lower capacity when compare to LRT systems in Calgary and Ottawa.
The ULI rates a very high and well deserved 5 on the BS meter.
American group says bus route to UBC a ‘failureai??i??
Urban Land Institute recommends underground subway, paid in part by employers along lineBy Jeff Lee, Vancouver Sun
An international panel of land use experts injected themselves into the hot debate over a proposed Broadway transit line Thursday, saying TransLinkai??i??s current bus route to the University of B.C. is so inadequate that the system ai???is essentially at failureai??? and the only realistic alternative is a new high-capacity line bored underground.
The Urban Land Institute, a Washington D.C.-based group, said Vancouver also needs to avoid making other citiesai??i?? mistakes by trying to pay for expensive expansions by linking land use and density to the form of transportation. Putting highrise developments at every station isnai??i??t a good idea, they said.
ai???You guys do high rises very nicely. But you are sort of drunk on high rises. You donai??i??t need towers everywhere,ai??? said Dick Reynolds, the chairman of a ULI ai???governorai??i??s advisory panel,ai??? which spent three days examining the Broadway route.
ai???Just donai??i??t get caught up in the idea that if you pick an expensive transit system for a whole lot of good reasons, youai??i??ve got to upzone
Reynolds and four other land use experts issued an interim report Thursday that backs up Vancouverai??i??s preference for a bored tunnel between Commercial Drive and UBC. They met with city officials, TransLink and neighbourhood groups. A full report will be issued in two months.
Among the early conclusions the panel offered were that:
ai??? TransLink should avoid light rail technology or a subway built by cut-and-cover method.
ai??? UBC, the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority and other major employers along the line need to help pay for the system.
ai??? Transit should not drive zoning; existing commercial zones should be filled out first.
ai??? The city has lots of unfilled commercial density east of Burrard Street that can generate jobs.
ai??? The city should largely leave low-density neighbourhoods to the west alone.
With more than a million people and 600,000 jobs expected to move into Vancouver by 2041, the Broadway corridor will continue to cement its status as one of the major job generators in the region, Reynolds said.
ai???It is our sense that the subway alternative does offer sufficient incremental value to warrant being the long-term solution,ai??? Reynolds said. ai???It would only work if construction could be done financially and physically by boring rather than cut-and-cover. Weai??i??ve lived through areas that have been cut-and-cover and we understand the
Reynolds said TransLink, the city and the province need to build relations with neighbourhoods that are clearly wary of the proposed line, in part because of the disruption they witnessed during construction of the Canada Line.
ai???We had a clear sense that there are some pretty good disconnects that exist here,ai??? he said. ai???Unfortunately disconnects therefore lead to a lack of trust and
TransLink has made no decision about when it will build a new line or what kind of technology will be used. Tamim Raad, the director of strategic planning, said TransLink is developing a regional transportation strategic plan of all necessary projects, against which the Broadway corridor will be measured. There is no indication when Broadway construction would begin, he said.
TransLink recently issued a high-level look at the corridor that examined three technologies; light rail, rapid transit (SkyTrain) and a hybrid concept. While no technology was chosen, TransLink thinks a light rail line from Commercial to UBC is workable, Raad said.
Vancouver Coun. Geoff Meggs said the ULIai??i??s findings supported the cityai??i??s view.
ai???I was really gratified their conclusions were fundamentally the same as our technical evaluations by our engineers, which is that given the growth that Vancouver is going to have to absorb, the bored tunnel subway is the best answer,ai??? he said. ai???Not just for handling the growth but to protect the neighbourhoods along the route that would suffer really serious disruption with light
Former premier and Vancouver mayor Michael Harcourt, who attended the ULIai??i??s briefing, said he is not convinced TransLink will change from its position of wanting an above-ground system, despite the panelai??i??s findings.
ai???I have a disconnect with TransLink. They have this thing about wanting to go at surface and I think they are out to lunch,ai??? he said. ai???Itai??i??s just dumb, dumb, dumb. You are going to be moving the equivalent of the Expo line, 200,000 people a day. You canai??i??t do that on a surface street
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There are many parallels with the Bingogate scandal where a charity was a front for disgraced and dishonest Mike Harcourt to make money and the sky train scandal where TransLink is a front for Mike Harcourt and friends who appear to be benefiting from sky train to make money – history repeats with the same scam – just replace charity with TransLink..
For Mike Harcourt to claim that trams (wrongly referred to as streetcars) suck is a good thing. Really.
Where did Mike Harcourt come up with 200,000 people along Broadway and what is the Vancouver Sun doing mindlessly printing it? Who is dumb or more aptly lying, Mike? Peak transit demand on Broadway is about 5,000 people every hour (pph) and averages less than about 2,500 on a weekday and about 700 pph to 1,300 pph on a weekend or holiday . Daily transit demand on Broadway is about 50,000 people and much of it is due to TransLink diverting riders to Broadway.
Geoff Meggs to make the inane statement that the ULI has vindicated the COV engineers in their support for sky train – well, is very Geoff Meggs. Geoff is a maggot (disgusting councillor with no convictions) and cares nothing about transit. He has done nothing about diesel buses in operation at a very high frequency on the trolleybus route along Broadway because the COV engineers fabricated the appalling conditions for riders and residents to help TransLink extend sky train to UBC. Geoff Meggs is sickening.
Geoff Meggs and ULI are not talking about the 75% of the transit capacity going unused because the 99 B-Line is stealing riders from the 12 other routes going to UBC. TransLink operates the 99 B-Line as an express service every three minutes and the other routes to UBC are fragmented and made to operate about every 10 to 15 minutes on average. What do you expect? It is like Starbucks or Tim Hortons offering coffee for 5 cents on Broadway and $2 a few blocks off Broadway. Geoff Meggs is slime and most probably made sure that ULI repeated his message about the tunnel for sky train being the only way to reach UBC for the clapping seals at the Vancouver Sun to print.
COV engineers have lied about sky train being the only way to transport people to UBC and sky train is actually slower than trams when you consider the total trip time, door to door in Vancouver where the trips are short. High ranking engineers at the COV (Jerry Dobrovolny in particular) are lying because they would be unemployed or demoted if they did not support sky train. They are in violation of their code of ethics. Sky train to UBC is a political choice and the COV engineers are playing along to advance their careers. Lovely.
Trams to UBC can move just as many people (faster) than sky train. Trams just require two to three very inexpensive routes to UBC rather than one massive and very costly truck line in a tunnel for sky train. Sky train must be elevated or buried along Broadway to keep from electrocuting people. This is the real reason for the tunnel – to facilitate sky train. You can’t extend sky train to UBC without the tunnel.
To make things worse, you can’t remove buses from the roads with sky trains but you can with trams. Geoff Meggs, Jerry Dobrovolny and Mike Harcourt – get lost. You’re all just scum looking for a way to benefit from sky train.
Yep, its official Vancouver is inhabited by crooks, scam merchants, dishonest politicians inept transit managers and their arse licking paid internet trolls
In 2011 the Cardinal posted this article
The Emperor has no Clothes and no Transit
never was a truer word ever written
Several weeks later Joseph Conrad was quoted
Pushing a wooden stake through the heart of darkness
Vancouver & its whole civic structure is rotten to the core