This news item from the UK, is good news for those who advocate for TramTrain operation in Canada.
The Sheffield TramTrains have gone through a rigorous safety program of testing overseen by the UK’s Office of Rail and Road formerly her Majesty’s Railway Inspectorate, a body that is highly respected around the world.
Sheffield’s new TramTrain has now passed it’s rigorous safety case, with service stating in 2017, which will make somewhat easier for the implementation of TramTrain on our shores.
Friday 11 December 2015
Ai??The first tram train in the UK has been unveiled in Sheffield.
Passengers in South Yorkshire will be the first to travel on the special vehicles, which will run between Sheffield and Rotherham ai??i?? and the project is on track for early 2017.
The launch of the new tram train. Picture: Andrew Roe
Tram trains are trams which will also run along railway tracks. The vehicles will undergo a period of testing, before three are introduced on the Supertram network in summer 2016 to provide extra services at busy times.
Seven vehicles in total will then be put into service, linking the tram and train tracks.
Three services will run an hour, linking Sheffield, Meadowhall and Rotherham.
Transport Minister Andrew Jones, who unveiled the new tram train yesterday, said: ai???When the doors opened on the depot and this magnificent tram train emerged it was a special moment.
ai???This is a proper landmark in the project; this vehicle is here and there are a further six on the way and engineering works by Network Rail are also underway.
ai???Itai??i??s not far into the future now, but the key thing is it has been a bit of a bumpy ride but when youai??i??re doing something for the first time in the UK we have to work out how to do something.
ai???There is no manual that you can pull off the
He added that the new system would benefit the region due to greater connectivity, particularly in Rotherham where there has been no link with the tram network before.
The South Yorkshie tram train pilot will run for two years.
If successful, it is hoped that they will continue to run as a local service and stimulate similar schemes across the country.
Mr Jones said: ai???Weai??i??ve never had a system before where you can take a vehicle off the light rail system onto the heavy rail system. All the tram systems run locally and itai??i??s up to local people to look at this and see whatai??i??s right for their area. But when they do that they will be supported by the