New Year Game On

In March & April 2011, the Cardinal wrote two articles for the Blog; `The Emperor has no Clothes and no Transitai??i??Ai?? Ai??Ai??and `Pushing a wooden stake through the heart of darknessai??i??

In the intervening 18 months, little has changed; the Vancouver City Council and Translink have learnt little except that the opposition and objectors can be Ai??worn down by threats & strong arm tactics. Sadly Translink & the Vancouver Engineers department have conspicuously chosen to ignoreAi??the examples of urban transportationAi??best practise from Europe andAi??particularlyAi??from Canada’sAi??two former colonial mastersAi??- Britain & France. It is to be hoped that they might take more notice of policy and practise from south of the 49th parallel – the US of A, where @ grade Light Rail, Streetcar & Tramway development is going from strength to strength.

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