Tramways, a tool in a global mobility strategy


Currently, eighteen French urban areas have at least one tramway line and by 2014, nine more towns will have opened their first lines. In France, the organisation of public transport is based on a decentralised administrative system established in the 1980s. For thirty years, land authorities have had great autonomy to develop their public transport networks in a context of very heavy car use. Today, the car is gradually making way for public transport systems and tramways have been experiencing a revival for several years now. Tramways have been making their mark over the years because they fit into the scheme of urban renewal, transport planning and environmental concerns.

This is a political choice which is firmly rooted in the sustainable development ethos and enables planners to take a new approach to urban mobility and urbanisation projects. Trams have also become a tool for promoting a town, because building a tramway implies a desire to renew the image of the town where it is located.

Many French companies are using their expertise on projects to create tramways and export skills worldwide, ranging from studies and construction to operating tramway systems.

Brest Light Rail


One Response to “Tramways, a tool in a global mobility strategy”
  1. Haveacow says:

    Your point is well partly acurate it is very expensive however, the actual construction costs for the Downtown Relief Line and the Yonge Street Extension are in the neighbourhood of $310-325 million per kilometre. Both graphs are showing the huge increase in expected cost of because they include more than just tunnels. For example, the DRL costs include the costs of no fewer than 100+ required trainsets plus a brand new subway yard. The new yard for the DRL is expected to be $1-1.2 billion just by itself. Also you need to be careful because there are 3 sets of figures for the DRL Project depending on witch report they are from, The original DRL study done in the 90’s, the Mertolink study which also includes the cost of a parallel tunnel for Electric GO Trains travelling between Union Station and the new Bathurst West Station (one of the first new downtown railroad stations in 70+ years in North America) and the newer DRL study done by the TTC .

    The Yonge extension will require new trainsets a new yard or large increases to the existing Davisville and Wilson Yards. It is also including the costs of a possible single express track from yet to be built Steeles station down to York Mills or as far as Eglinton Ave stations. Both the Spadina Extension and the Sheppard Stubway (subway) were strictly exentions both had only token yard improvements and train handling improvements (a new transit control centre). Both had new vehicles waiting for the extensions which had already been purchased before the lines started construction.