New Tram-Train service in France
FRANCE: Tram-train services on a 64 km route linking Nantes and ChA?teaubriant are launched by SNCF on February 28. Opening on 28 February a new tram-train service is now operational on the reopened regional railway between Nantes and ChA?teaubriant. The railway has been renovated totally after the closure for passenger service at 31 May 1980. […]
Ottawa, Canada – city to hire outside consultants for LRT project
The city of Ottawa will be hiring outside consultants to oversee various phases of its light rail construction project, The Ottawa Citizen reported Thursday. Canada’s federal capital plans a 7.7-mile east-west starter LRT route that will include a 1.5-mile downtown LRV subway. Here’s a graphic showing the planned LRT: http://metronewsca.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/train_04.jpg?w=618 The consortium awarded the construction […]

Cities by the sea
A tale of two marine citiesai??i?? Bordeaux & Vancouver have much in common Ocean location Temperate climate Situated on a major tidal river A large natural seaport Extensive transport links, river, rail, air & road to the hinterland Comparable land area, both city & metropolitan areas An outstanding urban and architectural ensemble City Land Area […]

European latest – Croydon, Reims & Bordeaux
Stadler wins London Tramlink tram order Railway Gazette http://www.railwaygazette.com/nc/news/single-view/view/stadler-wins-london-tramlink-tram-order.html 18 August 2011 Ai??Impression of Stadler Variobahn LRV for Croydon Tramlink UK: Stadler Rail has won a contract to supply six Variobahn trams to increase capacity on the Tramlink light rail system in south London, Mayor of London Boris Johnson announced on August 18. The first […]

Opening of Reims Light Rail/Tramway system
On April 16th the 11.2 kmAi??Ai?? Light Rail/tramway in the city of Reims, in the French region of Champagne-Ardenne was opened with much publicity. Reims is the twenty secondAi??Ai??of the new generationAi??Ai??of tramways to be opened in France since 1986 http://champagne-ardenne.france3.fr/evenements/Inauguration-tramway-reims/ Ai??Ai?? Details on the following sites: http://www.tramwaydereims.fr/start.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reims_tramway http://www.subways.net/france/reims.html Ai??Ai??

Tram makers hit curve as markets adjust
Financial Times London Published: April 8 2011 15:43 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/42c826ec-618a-11e0-a315-00144feab49a.html#axzz1JP9NTSro By Robert Wright The segregated track that carries smart Citadis trams alongside the Aegean in Voula on the outskirts of Athens could scarcely form a more marked contrast with the tram line that snakes down the narrow, cobbled streets of the St Gilles district in Brussels. […]

1st Alstom Citadis LRV’s for UK
Tramlink Nottingham http://www.tramlinknottingham.co.uk/index.phpAi?? NET Phase Two Preferred Bidder Named Nottingham City Council has selected Tramlink Nottingham as its preferred bidder to build two new tram lines to Clifton and Chilwell (NET Phase Two) and operate the extended tram network. http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/netphase2/index.aspx?articleid=7522 One of the proposed routes will see a line from Nottingham City Centre to Toton […]

Rebalancing Our Transportation Network: A Case Study
Hamilton, Ontario has for long been promoting a Light Rail system for the city, details of their campaign can be found on the Hamilton Light Rail web site: http://hamiltonlightrail.com/index.html Details of the economic case for Light Rail are: http://hamiltonlightrail.com/article/an_economic_case_for_light_rail/index.html Similarly to Rail for the Valley in BC, the Hamilton Light RailAi??promoters are citing examples of […]

Allez le Tram, the Politics & Financing of the French Tram
The Cardinal has reported on the success of French Light Rail/Tramways, regularly on the Rail for the Valley blog. In this article the history, development, style, politics & importantly financing will be outlined. With a light rail renewal France has gone full steam ahead to become a leader in technological design and leading style. Howard […]

Light Rail Transit, LRT or Tram-Train
Tram and train used to be two entirely different public transport systems. Tram served shorter (read: urban) distances. Train served longer (read: regional) distances. But the difference between city and region has disappeared in much of Europe. The difference between tram and regional rail is blurring as well. A new generation of light rail transit […]
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