For Donna……….
Zwei must apologize, but with the end of school and many other commitments, but I will repost some interesting items about LRT and Broadway in the near future. For now I will add some European flavour, spiced with modern light rail. In Grenoble, lawned rights-of-ways are the norm, even on former arterial roads. Stations are […]

Light Rail Fits in
Light Rail Fits in, that is unless you live in Vancouver where corruption, Canadian Transit Politics and incompetence threatens logic and commonsense Of all the modes of transport electric railways have proven to be the most successful in providing an alternative choice that entices people to leave their cars at home. With light rail it […]

Trams, Pedestrians & Bicycles + buses & cars in Amsterdam
Trams, bicycles, pedestrians also buses, motorcycles & cars happily co-existing in Amsterdam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JeWED7Zilo Just to reassure Ai??theAi??Ai??retardedAi??Ai??dingbats amongst Skyscraper, Ai??Skytrain for Surrey, Translink & Ai??VancouverAi??activistsAi??that it can be done Ai??and that no one was killed or injured during the making of this video a Happy New Year to one & all…. the toast is `Shiney […]

World Tramway patronage statistics
At grade tramway system statistics. Passenger patronage, in excess of 100 million boardings per annum Updated for 2010 Ai??Ai??St Petersburg, Russia: 476 million Budapest, Hungary: 364 million Prague, Czech Republic: 350 million Ai??Warsaw, Poland: 270 million Moscow, Russia: 251 million Vienna, Austria: 240 million Zagreb, Croatia: 214 million Zurich, Switzerland: 199 million Yekaterinburg, Russia: 180 […]
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