Should We Convert The Canada Line to Light Rail?
Updated for 2024 With Covid-19, this becomes more important than ever. Right now we have a Hobson’s choice for regional rail transit, extend the Millennium and Expo Lines and continue using the proprietary Movia Automatic Light Metro or nothing. This must change and change soon, or the hugely expensive SkyTrain light metro system will become […]

Is It time To Say Adios To TransLink’s Kevin Desmond?
TransLink’s American CEO, Kevin Desmond, was always TransLink’s man. A consummate bureaucrat, he knows what buttons to push and what whistles to blow, but when it comes to transit, Desmond does what he is told to do. TransLink has never acknowledged the fact that the public, especially the taxpayer after the 2015 plebiscite do not […]

Do I Hear Trams On The Arbutus Line………
Want to see Vancouver politicians tearing their hair from their heads? Just mention building LRT on the Arbutus Line. I say not a penny for the Broadway Subway until trams run along the Arbutus Line. Stockholm completes LidingAi?? Line reconstruction Written byAi?? Keith Barrow PUBLIC services resumed on Stockholm’s LidingAi?? Line following the completion […]

Arbutus Fail and Other Transit Thoughts
Contrary to TransLink’s claims, the Canada line has 40m to 50m long station platforms, which severely limits capacity. In today’s Sun, there is an article by Pete McMartin, bemoaning the current state of the Arbutus Corridor debate. What the Vancouver Sun and the City of Vancouver are dancing around, yet never mention is that that […]

The Arbutus Saga Continues
Not much transit news about with the school strike and the lead up to the November civic elections, but old news is still news. The CPR want $100 million for the land and the City of Vancouver wants to pay only $20 million, yet $100 million is a bargain if one wants the land for […]

Continued Angst Over The Arbutus Corridor
The cries of, “shock and disbelief”, and hand wringing by those trespassing and keeping gardens on the CPR owned Arbutus Corridor is laughable. The media is now showing pictures of teary eyed children who weep for their lost beans and figs. Enough please. The Arbutus Corridor debate actually started with this quote at a transit […]

Lotus Land In Shock with the CPR Reactivating The Arbutus Corridor
The Arbutus corridor Interurban near 37th The Arbutus corridor debate continues and Zwei has a made a few observations. Has anyone in the media ask Molsons if they want to once again use the railway for both delivery and export? Has anyone in the the media reported that the CPR has paid taxes since the […]

Arbutus Corridor Stuff
The following is an “letter to the editor” in Friday’s province and I must give credit to Mr. Chris Cullen for his sensible views. Zwei says; “Bulls-eye Mr. Cullen”, you have deduced the Arbutus question most logically! Rail is green I am amused by all the concern over the Arbutus ai???green wayai??? potentially being reactivated […]

Arbutus Corridor Resurrected?
It seems the CPR is going to resurrect the Arbutus Line for freight and the wails of “shock and disbelief”, from Vancouver’s creme de la creme are echoing through the halls at city hall. Get real folks, the CPR did not abandon the railway and the city failed to negotiate a transit solution for […]
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