Bombardier Takes A Disruntled Customer To Court

Bombardier is late delivering new trams to Toronto, so Toronto’s Metrolinx threatened to cancel the contract. The Federal Liberals just gave Bombardier Inc. a $372.5 million loan, so what does Bombardier do? That’s right, sue Metrolinx because Bombardier cannot deliver trams as per contract. Funny, I thought that money was to help Bombardier produce its […]

Trudeau’s Big Announcement: Big Winners – Bombardier and Bureaucrats

Ah, such a photo-op for our new PM; oh, such an announcement, but really, this just a rehash of old news releases tarted up for a photo-op so PM Trudeau can claim that BC has not been left out of the Liberals game plan of shoveling money off a back of a truck. The stumbling […]

Bombardier “Stuffed It Up” in London. Is Transit Planning “Stuffed Up” In Metro Vancouver?

Not all is well with Bombardier Inc. The massive transit conglomerate has had too easy for too long and now is accused ofAi?? “‘duping’ the British capital into awarding it a train-signalling contract that it was incapable of delivering, creating ai???nothing short of a disasterai??? for the London Underground.” I would like to remind everyone […]

Perils of a Proprietary Transit System

Bombardier Inc. loves proprietary transit systems, because of the “gotcha” factor. Once a transportation authority purchases a proprietary transit system, they are stuck with one manufacturer and if problems arise, too bad. This is what happened in Caen, where in 2002, the city’s transportation authority purchased the proprietary Guide Light Transit guided bus system or […]

Problems with Bombardier

Oops, Bombardier Inc. is having problems and this does not bode well for TransLink as Bombardier Inc is the sole supplier of mini-metro cars for the Expo, Millennium and Evergreen lines. That what’s happen when buy a proprietary railway, they “gotcha”. MONTREAL ai??? The Toronto Transit Commission, accusing Bombardier of incompetence,” says it may sue […]