Worldwide Tram Market Review – 2014
The Cardinal posts hereAi??the schedule ofAi??Worldwide Tram orders as of March 2014, courtesy of Tramways & Urban Transit Manufacturer City’s Orders Options Sub-Total Orders Pending OrdersAi?? Options Alstom Aubagne, Avignon, Bordeaux, Constantine, Cuenca, Dubai, Montpellier, Nottingham, Ottawa, Oran, Paris, Rio, SAi??tif, Sidi Bel AbbA?s, SNCF, Toulouse 374 214 AnsaldoBreda Genova, Firenza, Kayseri, Zhuhai 70 7 […]
Rob Ford fails to derail light rail lines
Mayor Rob Ford wend down swinging, saying again that people want subways, not LRT. However, Toronto City Council endorsed the $8.4 million master plan to build four LRT lines by a 30 to 11 margin. Toronto Sun story at: http://www.torontosun.com/2012/11/01/ford-defied-more-toronto-light-rail By Don Peat ,City Hall Bureau Chief First posted:Thursday, November 01, 2012 08:20 The Crosstown […]
Next-generation streetcars arrive in Toronto for trials
National Post http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/09/27/next-generation-streetcars-arrive-in-toronto-for-trials/ Although it will not be accepting passengers until 2014, the TTCai??i??s next generation of streetcars arrived in the city by freight train this week. Still the property of its builder, Bombardier, the train is in town for a series of trials to see whether it can smoothly navigate Torontoai??i??s streets. The vehicle, […]

Contrasting Canadian News Posts
Freedom takes Flexity to the North American tram market http://www.railwaygazette.com/index.php?id=44&no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=14068&cHash=3eea2ae186 NORTH AMERICA: Bombardier Transportation President & CEO AndrAi?? Navarri launched the ai???Flexity Freedomai??i?? as the company’s tram platform for North America at APTA Expo 2011 in New Orleans on October 4. The 100% low-floor car is a parallel development to the Flexity 2, launched in […]

Tram makers hit curve as markets adjust
Financial Times London Published: April 8 2011 15:43 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/42c826ec-618a-11e0-a315-00144feab49a.html#axzz1JP9NTSro By Robert Wright The segregated track that carries smart Citadis trams alongside the Aegean in Voula on the outskirts of Athens could scarcely form a more marked contrast with the tram line that snakes down the narrow, cobbled streets of the St Gilles district in Brussels. […]

Light Rail, Tram-Train & Tram news from Britain
Four further Light Rail/TramAi??announcements this week from Britain; First UK tram-train plan on track for Sheffield BBC 24th March http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-south-yorkshire-12844983 PlansAi??Ai??to make Sheffield the first city in the UK to get a state-of-the-art “tram-train” service are on track after A?150,000 was granted to theAi??Ai??project. The continental-style carriages, which operate on both tramAi??Ai??tracks and existing railways, […]

Light Rail Transit, LRT or Tram-Train
Tram and train used to be two entirely different public transport systems. Tram served shorter (read: urban) distances. Train served longer (read: regional) distances. But the difference between city and region has disappeared in much of Europe. The difference between tram and regional rail is blurring as well. A new generation of light rail transit […]

Grand plan to bring tram system to Chester
ChesterFirstAi?? Published date: 24 January 2011 | Published by: Laura Jones http://www.chesterfirst.co.uk/news/98061/grand-plan-to-bring-tram-system-to-chester.aspx MAJOR plans to extend a tram network from Manchester to Chester will be presented to the government tomorrow. Think tank Trams UK will recommend at the House of Commons that the Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive (GMPTE) light rail system, the Manchester Metrolink, […]

Fords condemnation of St. Clair streetcar is off-track
TheAi??Globe & Mail article by Marcus Gee; Ford’s condemnation of St. Clair streetcar is off-track http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/toronto/marcus-gee/fords-condemnation-of-st-clair-streetcar-is-off-track/article1859391/ published on January 5th, shows how the successful St. Clair streetcar line speaks against mayor Rob Ford’s plans to cancel Transit City and most LRT projects. It is depressing to see that the same dunderheaded opposition to light rail […]
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