Broadway needs SkyTrain rather than light rail, Vancouver city staff & Translink trot out the same old, same old.
Broadway needs SkyTrain rather than light rail, Vancouver city staff say http://www.straight.com/article-843831/vancouver/broadway-needs-skytrain-rather-light-rail-vancouver-city-staff-say By Yolande Cole, November 27, 2012 Vancouver city staff believe a subway SkyTrain line to UBC is the best way to meet the growing demand along the Broadway corridor, outweighing the option of a light-rail system that they say would not accommodate the […]
Why Is TransLink’s Price for Light Rail Triple What Other Cities Pay?
Arguments for spending billions on SkyTrain along Broadway rest on oddly high estimates for the alternative: light rail. ByAi??Kathryn Mandell and Patrick M. Condon, Today, TheTyee.ca http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2012/11/28/TransLink-Light-Rail/ Future interrupted? Why is Vancouver light rail assumed to be three times more expensive than elsewhere? Image source: Steer Davies Gleave.Ai??Ai??Ai?? An extremely expensive decision for taxpayers looms […]
Tram Berlin Linie M13 KT4D Warschauer Str. – Virchow Klinikum 1/7
This video from U-Tube shows a classic European tramways, which operates on-street and on reserved rights-of-ways, including simple HOV lane style of RRoW. Please note the simple (traffic light) style signaling at intersections and the various styles of RRoWs. Streetcar/LRT has the flexibility to operate in almost all urban conditions, affordabley and efficiently, a lesson […]

Late Friday Night’s Musings For Saturday Reading
Zwei, with a cup of tea in hand, has been reading the various transit blogs and answering emailsAi??Ai??from interested parties around the world, trying to get a read onAi??Ai??what direction public transit is going in the near and not so near future. Sadly, I see a trend in North America towards supporting building hugely expensive […]

Light Rail Fits In! Useful Links for LRT
A reader of this blog from the UK has sent Rail For The Valley some very useful links for those advocating for light rail. Zweisystem send a a hearty thank you! http://www.eukn.org/eukn/themes/Urban_Policy/Economy_knowledge_and_employment/Urban_economy/Specific_sectors/Distribution/citycargo-freight-tram_1007.html http://citytransport.info/Street.htm http://citytransport.info/Zones.htm http://www.citymayors.com/transport/trams-europe.html http://www.etcproceedings.org/paper/trams-and-bikes-towards-good-practice-in-light-rail-planning http://www.isocarp.net/Data/case_studies/1592.pdf http://www.metrocouncil.org/media/CCLRTstreetscapeFeb09.pdf http://www.vmwp.com/projects/leland-avenue-streetscape.php http://www.pdc.us/ura/interstate/kenton.asp http://lightrailjacksonville.webs.com/whylrti.htm http://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/internet/Attachments/Internet/Transport/Walking_and_cycling/Cycling_around_Edinburgh/Cycling_and_trams_leaflet.pdf http://www.totallyriviera.com/nice/content/113 http://www.globalmasstransit.net/archive.php?id=1293 http://www.bringingbackbroadway.com/stellent/groups/electedofficials/@cd14_contributor/documents/classmaterials/lacity_007110.pdf http://www.cityofsacramento.org/dsd/planning/environmental-review/eirs/documents/Appendix_B.pdf http://www.metro.net/news/simple_pr/metro-hold-streetscape-design-workshop-crenshawlax/

Smart Growth. A look into Cities, Urban planning, and the Sustainable Movement.
A reader of this blog has kindly given ‘Zwei’ some links about Smart Growth around the world and they are very much well worth having a look. http://smarturbandesign.blogspot.com/2009/04/mall-of-america-and-minneapolis-light.html http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0BQQ/is_8_41/ai_81104210/ http://www.friends4expo.org/ltrail.htm http://www.drcog.org/documents/LRT%20and%20TOD.pdf http://www.thespec.com/article/717530 http://www.mindspring.com/~tbgray/lrtmaps.htm

LRT will motivate us to ditch cars, From the Hamilton Spectator
What I find interesting about this news item, is the statement, “…….a consultants’ report into the economics of LRT in Hamilton projected the system would need about 34,000 riders a weekday (8.9 million a year) to break even on its operational costs.“; which should put a stop to the SkyTrain’s lobby claims that light rail […]

Light Rail on Broadway – The SkyTrain Lobby Ramps Up The Costs – BARSTA Fights Back
On June 22nd, at St. James Community Square 3214 West 10th Avenue at Trutch, a public meeting will take place concerning the building of ‘rail‘ transit on or under Broadway. What is of no great surprise, Translink has vastly ‘ramped’ up the cost for building modern light rail, with needless over-design. This is the tired […]
Cargotrams for Broadway or Chilliwack – LRT can adapt!
On 3 March 2000 the Dresden Public Transport Co. and the Volkswagen Automobile-Manufacture Dresden GmbH signed a contract for the Cargotram for the deliveryAi??Ai??of parts from the logistics center in Dresden FriedrichstadtAi??Ai?? to a new car factory, using a tram running over the cities tram lines. The route from the logistics center to the factory […]

The Failure To Understand Modern Light Rail = Public Transit Chaos
‘Zwei’ has been taken aback by the viciousness of the SkyTrain Lobby and the great lengths they haveAi??Ai??taken in discrediting the LRT, while at the same time refusing to acknowledge the marketing failure of the proprietary (ICTS/ALRT/ALM/ART ) light-metro system, known in Vancouver as SkyTrain. ‘Zwei’ is also taken aback by abject refusalAi??Ai??by many supposed […]
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