The Upcoming SkyTrain Mk.5 Train Fiasco

Zwei told ya so! First, the 16 km Expo line extension cost is now put at $6 billion; $7 billion if one includes the operations and Maintenance Centre Number 5. The next shoe to drop will be the announcement that the 5.7 km Millennium Line (Broadway subway) extension to Arbutus, will top $4 billion. And […]

What Is The Real Cost For The Expo & Millennium Line Extensions? A Repost From 2022.

The following post is from a September 14, 2022 and I am re-posting because Zwei was wrong about the cost of the 16 km Expo Line extension to Langley. Evidently, my cost estimates were out by $1.5 to $2.5 billion as the provincial government recently announced that the cost of the 16 km extension to […]


There is a lot of transit news, but most of it is about TransLink’s insatiable need for money and delays to the completion of the Broadway subway. The strange claim that the provincial government making highways “LRT compatible”, has thankfully been ignored by the media and what is left is rumours. The latest rumour, which […]

Broadway Subway Woes

Rail for the Valley predicted, the Broadway subway will cost far more than the $2.83 billion budgeted for the 5.7km extension. But there is more scandal, that the mainstream media is ignoring and that is after Thales $1.47 billion resignalling program the maximum capacity of the Millennium Line will be a mere 7,500 pphpd! 500 […]

As Zwei Has Predicted…..

After all the raspberries that came my way about the Broadway Subway, I have been somewhat vindicated. The construction delays also translates into increased costs and with an election around the corner, the current government will wait until after the election to give the bad news. It also explains the puff piece in the Tyee […]

Here We Go Again!

BROADWAY IS NOT THE BUSIEST TRANSIT ROUTE IN CANADA It seems trouble is brewing on Broadway, buildings are sagging and media keeps repeating the TransLink and City of Vancouver’s nonsense that Broadway is the busiest transit route in North America. Well it isn’t and never was and my guess is that TransLink, the provincial NDP […]

Is Bad News In The Offing?

It has been too quiet, too long, on the transit front and with a provincial election looming, unpleasant news is being quietly whitewashed. Hear no cost increase; speak no cost increase; see no cost increase of the Broadway subway seems the order of the day. The pre inflation estimates  just will not stand up today. […]

The Staggering cost of Subway Construction – A repost from 2019

A re-post from 2019. It seems several TransLink and City of Vancouver bureaucrats are tying the spin that subways are cheaper in the long run. Of course, they do not give firm numbers on anything! Some transit blogs seem to think that building a subway is easy peasy , costing only a little more than […]

Businesses Close Along the Broadway Subway Route – What the Public is Not Told

If anyone believes that the government did not know that subway construction was going to negatively impact businesses along its route, I have shares in the Lions Gate Bridge to sell you. Both the provincial government and the City of Vancouver have selective amnesia with subway construction as the ills associated with the Canada Line […]

Canada Line Deja Vu

Subways tend to cause ground subsidence and when two two cylindrical tunnel boring machines (TBMs), six metres wide and weighing around a million kilograms, gnaws away underground, subsidence will occur. Memo to Rob Fleming, Minister of Transportation: It is not vibrations you should be worried about, it is subsidence as the tunnel boring machine chews […]