TransLink Fails Transit 101: Articulated Cars

True to form, TransLink and the mainstream media haven’t a clue about SkyTrain or SkyTrain vehicles. A news story on CKNW radio as well as other media sources claimed erroneously that the MK.3 rail cars are articulated. The new MK. 3 cars are not articulated, they are gangwayed, allowing communication throughout the four car train […]

Surrey Must Pay Back $70 Million To TransLink!

  Surrey must pay back the $70 million already spent on LRT, if not, TransLink and the region must halt all transit planning in Surrey! The Light Rail project was ten years in the making, with much work and money spent during this time, $70 million dollars and just on the eve of letting contracts, […]

Road Pricing – One More Slurp At The Trough

From Bob Mackin and the Breaker. Zwei has studied “Road Pricing” and “Congestion Charging” for over 20 years and the very first rule for a successful road pricing scheme is that the region have a user friendly and affordable public transit alternative. With TransLink we don’t…….. not even close and TransLink is so incompetent at […]

In Metro Vancouver……

The subway lobby seem hard at it in Toronto and have been caught out by an independent public watchdog, set up to protect the taxpayer. Metro Vancouver and its member municipalities has no such watchdog to watch for bureaucratic or political malfeasance and with the media well in bed with Metro Vancouver politicians, the taxpayer […]

Traffic Congestion Declines

Interesting tidbit from the news which has been overshadowed by the tragedy in Brussels. Traffic congestion is down in Metro Vancouver and this begs the question: “If there is less traffic on the roads, then should we not waste money to plan and build $3 billion SkyTrain subway under Broadway and a $3.5 billion bridge […]

News Flash – TransLink trying to pull a fast one? Updated!

Well the masters of flim-flam are trying to pull a fast one over local mayors, why? The probable answer is that denying proper scrutiny of the 2012 TransLink base plan, indicatesAi??thereAi??must be itemsAi??that TransLink doesn’t want local mayors to see. I hope that the Mayor’s Council has the collective backbone to demand TransLink give proper […]

As Predicted – Evergreen Line faces another yearA?ai??i??ai???s delay and uncertain future

Another prediction from Zwei has come to pass, The Evergreen or locally called Nevergreen SkyTrain line is in serious trouble. The truth of the matter is that for $1.4 billion dollars, the Evergreen line would attract very few new transit customers and virtually no motorists to the transit system. Every time problems with the Evergreen […]

Port Moody mayor calls for public pressure on TransLink to build Evergreen Line – From the Vancouver Province

From the “Bin there, done that department“. I think Port Moody mayor Joe Trasolini now understands that the Evergreen (locally called the Nevergreen) is probably not going to be built, in his tenure in office. There are now three strikes against the Evergreen line; not enough money to fund the metro; Vancouver wants a SkyTrain […]

MLA says TransLink priorities are wrong

From the Oh what a suprise Department Look after south of Fraser before considering UBC Ai?? The Delta Optimist April 20, 2011 Ai?? TransLink better get its priorities straight and look at improving services south of the Fraser River before looking for money to build a SkyTrain line to UBC. Ai?? Delta South MLA […]

The Emperor has no Clothes and no Transit

Vancouver is at first glance a beautiful city. It is surrounded by sweeping vistas and a dramatic skyline. The climate is moderate butAi??spend some time here and scratch the surface and it becomes far less attractive. It is a city that is divided politically; it is parochial, narrow minded and shallow. The people are characterless, […]