From the Georgia Straight – Transportation activists mobilize to thwart South Fraser Perimeter Road and Broadway SkyTrain
Charlie Smith has another good article in the Georgia Straight about transit and transportation in the region and of course the comments are well worth a read. http://straight.com/article-280315/vancouver/transportation-activists-mobilize-thwart-south-fraser-perimeter-road-and-broadway-skytrain Please attend the meetings. The January 16 meeting will take place from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Sundance Banquet Hall (6574 Ladner Trunk Road). It’s served […]

From the Zweisystem and the rest of the Rail For The Valley Gang A very merry Christmas and a very happy and safe New Year! A Darmstadt tram plowing through a snow storm.

Our Campaign Blog – 1 year old today
Today marks the one-year anniversary of the Rail for the Valley Campaign Blog! Readership (now at 300-400 hits per day) has grown dramatically since last December, when the Campaign Blog was initially launched and the readership was… well, 0. Here’s the very first blog post, on Dec. 8, 2008: http://railforthevalley.wordpress.com/2008/12/08/rail-for-the-valley-on-ctv/ When I first created this […]

Post number 300 and many more to come.
This post marks the 300th posting on the Rail for the Valley Blog and congratulations to (now) Dr. John Buker for all his efforts with the valley rail project. When John asked me to post for the RFV blog, I don’t think he expected such a “stormy petrel“. I have tried hardAi??Ai??to keep the blog […]
From U-Tube – Trams Of Karlsruhe, Germany. Finest in the world?
An interesting video on Karlsruhe’s tram system, including their famous TramTrain, which can operate as a streetcar, a light railway or a commuter train! It’s worth a watch. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzFgSOTUVPM]

From The Infrastructurist – 36 Reasons Streetcars Are Better Than Buses
Just an interesting article that came Zweisystem’s way. If you have a complaint or comment, please register with the Infrastructurist’s web site: http://www.infrastructurist.com/2009/06/03/36-reasons-that-streetcars-are-better-than-buses/ The Infrastructurist Wednesday, June 3rd, 2009 36 Reasons Streetcars Are Better Than Buses Posted on Wednesday June 3rd by The Infrastructurist If you want a system that really attracts riders and investment, […]

More European Tram-Trains – Rail for the Valley offers a challange to Translink and BC Transportation Minister Shirely Bond
In 1994, the GVRD, in an attempt to include the public in the planning process, held a two hour call-in about regional transit, on local cable channels.Ai??Ai??A panel of experts were on hand to answer the publics questions about transit issues, including rapid transit. Zweisystem phoned in and asked a question: Has BC Transit and/or […]

From the Georgia Straight – Professor calls Port Mann Bridge a "white elephant"
The director of SFUA?ai??i??ai???s urban studies program, Anthony Perl, has claimed that a new Port Mann Bridge will become the A?ai??i??Ai??Mirabel AirportA?ai??i??A? of Metro Vancouver. In a phone interview with the Straight, Perl said the B.C. government is building the bridge for a future that wonA?ai??i??ai???t exist, just as Mirabel was built in the 1970s […]

Highway 1 Day of Action a Soaking Success
By all accounts! Pictures: Day of Action in pictures on Flickr (feel free to upload yours) I’ve heard over and over again, from people up and down the Valley and in Vancouver, that this was actually a really fun event, & people want to do it again. *If you have a banner that needs storing, […]
Highway 1 Day of Action TOMORROW!
Just one more day… Please get your friends and family out to this important, historic event in the Fraser Valley. It’s simple: Choose an overpass, make some signs, & do your part, Saturday from 11:00am to 1:00pm, to bring passenger rail service back to the Fraser Valley! LIGHT RAIL FANS TO HIT THE HIGHWAY Our […]
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