How does the BS Line Compare To Edmonton, Calagary and Ottawa?
The proposed 5.7 km Broadway SkyTrain subway, just to Arbutus is funded up to $2.84 billion, but not including cars. The cost is expected to rise to $3.5 billion before the project is completed. A comparison with Calgary, Edmonton and Ottawa easily demonstrates that taxpayers in those cities are getting a far bigger bang for […]
Edmonton LRT – To Be or Not To Be, That is The $220 Million Question
The question Edmonton transit planners are being asked; “Does transit need to be user friendly or auto friendly ?” In Edmonton to be auto friendly means adding at least $220 million to the cost of the project. What this article illustrates is the cost difference between LRT and a light-metro and I think that the […]
Light Rail Gets an Ally – We Welcome New Infrastructure Minister Amarjeet Sohi
For the first time since I have been advocating for better transit, now over thirty years, we now have a minister of the crown who not only understands modern light rail, he is an advocate of modern LRT! Let us hope new infrastructure minister Amarjeet Sohi is open to new ideas including the Leewood/RftV TramTrain! […]
Bad Planning in Edmonton
The people designing Edmonton’s LRT extension must take first prize for “botching it”, when drivers will have to wait 16 minutes for a tram to cross a series of intersections. Does anyone do any research at all? I know that public transit should supersede auto traffic in revenue operation, but this is far too extreme. […]
Canucks Don’t Do Light Rapid Transit
Certainly, Canada doesn’t do urban, interurban & regional rail based LRT, It used to be that the US was the most intransigent, obdurate & reactionary nation in the western world as far as transit, but the past ten years have seen a massive expansion of Light Rail, LRT, Tramways & Streetcar systems in America […]
Aecom wins Canadian light rail contract
Aecom lands early role on Edmonton LRT Aecom has won a CAD $36m contractAi?? for preliminary engineering on a light rail transit (LRT) expansion scheme in Edmonton, Canada. Ai??Under the contract for the City of Edmonton, the company will provide preliminary engineering design services for the Southeast LRT line from downtown Edmonton to Mill […]
Canada Unveils $1.9bn Public Transit Programme
Canada Unveils $1.9bn Public Transit Programme 25 June 2010 Railway The Canadian State (Zwei commnets – We do note have states in Canada, we have provinces!) of Alberta has unveiled a C$2bn (US$1.9bn) public transport plan to boost public transit systems in cities and towns to cut down greenhouse gases in the province. Under […]
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