New Rail for the Valley brochures are ready

The Friends of Rail For the Valley Society has come out with some nice brochures ahead of the provincial election! Much credit goes to Robbin Yager for designing these brochures. RFV1FAi??-Ai??This is a one-fold brochure, 11×17 inches, B&W RFV1FcmykAi??-Ai??This is the same one-fold brochure, 11×17 inches, COLOUR (quantities limited) RFV2FAi??-Ai??VOTE FOR CANDIDATES WHO SUPPORT LIGHT […]


MEETING THIS WEDNESDAY This is a pre-election call-out. We’re going to do a big push to get light rail back on the agenda for this election. Join us! Regardless of whether or not you can make it to the meeting this Wednesday in Chilliwack, please email us if you want to help:   RAIL […]

Rail for the Valley – Saturday March 16 PRE-ELECTION WORKSHOP

To all supporters of Rail for the Valley, The election is just around the corner! Our Society has been hard at work on some ideas for the provincial election. If you want to get involved and put regional rail service for the Fraser Valley on the map this coming election, please attend this upcoming workshop: […]

Chilliwack council candidates views on passenger rail

As most of you are aware, there is only one candidate running for Mayor – our current mayor Sharon Gaetz. As for council, it's another story. There are many candidates, with varying views on Rail For the Valley   Here is a link to an illuminating Chilliwack Progress questionnaire: The three best answers with regard to […]

All Candidates Meetings happening now – go to one in your community

  Municipal elections are less than 2 weeks away!    Abbotsford has an All Candidates Meeting coming up (for council candidates): When: Tuesday Nov. 8 at 7 p.m.  Where: Matsqui Centennial Auditorium So far, the campaign in Abbotsford has been focused entirely on water. It's time to broaden the debate. This meeting is a perfect chance to […]

Election – VOTE VOTE VOTE! – quotes from candidates on RAIL

VOTING TIME! Monday May 2. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE Of course, there are many factors to consider in deciding how to vote this federal election. On the issue of Rail for the Valley, the federal government plays a supporting role, with the provincial government providing specific direction. Still, federal politics matter – just ask […]

More European Tram-Trains – Rail for the Valley offers a challange to Translink and BC Transportation Minister Shirely Bond

In 1994, the GVRD, in an attempt to include the public in the planning process, held a two hour call-in about regional transit, on local cable channels.Ai??Ai??A panel of experts were on hand to answer the publics questions about transit issues, including rapid transit. Zweisystem phoned in and asked a question: Has BC Transit and/or […]

Tunnel vision correctable

A note by Zweisystem: Liz James is one of the few writers around who has taken the time to study the issue of transit and transportation and Rail for the Valley welcomes her article. Elizabeth James, Special To North Shore News Published:Ai??Ai??Sunday, June 14, 2009 a recent decision by B.C. Supreme Court Justice Ian Pitfield […]


Rail For The Valley asked South of Fraser candidates where they stand on light rail. Click here for their responses Of particular interest is the BC Liberal party’s support in principle for a demonstration project to be launched by 2010. (See last page of Questionnaire, BC Liberal party response to Q3: Will you support a […]

All-candidates meetings in the Fraser Valley

With the election campaign now in full swing, it’s time to get some concrete answers from the candidates and keep Rail for the Valley on the agenda. Here is a very incomplete list of All-candidates meetings in the Fraser Valley. Check back for updates. There WILL be more meetings posted as they are announced. (E-mail […]