A Light Rail renaissance

The government has set out its intention to trigger a light rail renaissance in the UK and while specialists welcome the move some are concerned about costs http://www.guardian.co.uk/public-leaders-network/2011/sep/23/light-rail-renaissance?newsfeed=true Nick Appleyard Guardian Professional, Friday 23 September 2011 00.50 BST Major cities such as Leeds and Bristol are missing out by not having either a tram or […]

US, UK, French & Australian Light Rail & transport news

Plans for New Eco-Trams In Bristol Ai?? Wednesday, May 4th 2011 13:17 http://www.jackbristol.com/newscentre/bristols-news/plans-for-new-eco-trams-in-bristol-6013 Ai?? An artistai??i??s impression of a tram in Bristol Ai?? A consortium has put forward plans for a new eco-tram system in Bristol that would run between Ashton Meadows and Temple Ai??Meads station. If it is given the go ahead, the route […]

The War on Cars

Is there really a “war on cars” in Seattle? Politics Northwest The Seattle Times political team explores national, state and local politics. Posted by Jim Brunner Has Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn really declared a “war on cars?” Or is that just a manufactured right-wing talking point? http://tinyurl.com/34thhyo At the blog of the green think tank, […]