Are Hydrogen Powered Trains A Decade Too Soon?

For all the talk of hydrogen powered trains, very few are actually in operation. Oh, they open with great hype and hoopla, but then silence. Rail for the Valley preferred to stick with current technology as we have seen with the “SkyTrain” example, proprietary products tend to be both very expensive and tend to age […]

The Hydrogen Train Debate – The Expensive Quebec Connection

The great panacea to solve all our problems or currently a Popular Science “pipe-dream”? Well is is now worse than that as it seems the push for hydrogen powered trains has more to do with huge Liberal government subsidies to Bombardier Inc. and now Alstom, to keep jobs in Quebec. The old Canadian story; transit […]

The Fuel-Cell Tram Truely Green Public Transport

Trams without the electrical overhead, brings a new dimension for new tram planning, by making trams cheaper to build and operate, enabling them to penetrate further to attract more ridership. Except for Canada and our archaic rules about light rail, the fuel-cell tram will no longer have issues with winter ice on the third rail […]

If Only BC Ministry Of Transportation And Infrastructure Had a Brain

If only………………. Instead of spending $11 billion, to build a mere 21.7 km of the now obsolete MALM light metro, the government could have spent less than half that amount by building and operating hydrogen powered trains on the former BC Electric interurban route from Vancouver to Chilliwack and from Victoria to Courtney on the […]

Take the H Train

It now seems hydrogen powered trains are now mainstream and set to become the worlds least polluting transit mode. It is time Canada and BC politicians get on board the H-Train, but I am afraid in Canada, politicians and bureaucrats have left at the station and gone to the airport to travel on the taxpayer’s […]

Hydrogen Trains Coming To North America

Hydrogen is coming and where is BC? TransLink? Metro Vancouver? Our politicians still want expensive 1960’s transit systems; something to cut ribbons in front of at election time and not providing an affordable transit service. Even in the transit constipated United States, hydrogen (Ballard) powered trains are now becoming a reality. I guess, Mr. Trudeau, […]

Ontario looks at hydrogen-powered trains

As hydrogen fuel cell technology improves, the application for ‘rail’ transit is close to become a reality. The main problem for hydrogen fuel cell transit is that the cell tends to produce power at a steady rate, but poor in providing power at times of high demand, like accelerating out of stations. This has made […]