The SkyTrain Lobby – Get Over it!
After a post in Facebook, where I stated some facts about the SkyTrain light-metro system in Vancouver, I was reported to Facebook for spreading fake news. Really! So, just set the record straight about Vancouver’s proprietary and non proprietary SkyTrain light metro system, here are some random facts. SkyTrain is not the name of the […]
SkyTrain Derails On The SkyBridge
Well the truth is out, a Movia Automatic Light Metro vehicle has derailed on the SkyBridge. UPDATE: “Crews have identified a failed switch as the cause of the track issue,” notes another update Tuesday. “This has led to a SkyTrain being partially dislodged from the tracks.” Being honest is just not in TransLink’s mandate and […]
Bombardier’s Skeletons Draining Cash From Alstom
Zwei knew all would not be happiness with Alstom’s acquisition of Bombardier Inc. Lingering court cases, lawsuits and other criminal intrigue with the Yongin and Kuala Lumpor ART systems (that is SkyTrain in TransLink Speak) and other issues pertaining to the now called Movia Automatic Light Metro System (erroneously called SkyTrain), must be causing acute […]
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