Incompetence Rules Regional Transit
The minister responsible for TransLink, Selina Robinson, either doesn’t have a clue about public transport or does not care. Most likely a lot of both, because TransLink is on a crash course of; “When you have idiots in charge, do not be surprised at the results”. Harsh, I think not. Operating a public transit service […]

Trams, Pedestrians & Bicycles + buses & cars in Amsterdam
Trams, bicycles, pedestrians also buses, motorcycles & cars happily co-existing in Amsterdam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JeWED7Zilo Just to reassure Ai??theAi??Ai??retardedAi??Ai??dingbats amongst Skyscraper, Ai??Skytrain for Surrey, Translink & Ai??VancouverAi??activistsAi??that it can be done Ai??and that no one was killed or injured during the making of this video a Happy New Year to one & all…. the toast is `Shiney […]
Municipal elections are upon us, this Saturday Nov. 19.Ai??You can vote from 8:00AM to 8:00PM. We must have strong local representation to get passenger rail moved forward.Ai??Local elections are often all about voter turnout, which, some elections, is only 20-25%. The good news on that is, your own vote makes more of an impact. […]

Surrey won’t build light rail without help
Mayor says taxpayers have poured too much into TransLink SURREY (NEWS1130) – Dianne Watts wants light rail for her city as soon as possible, but would Surrey be willing to pay for it alone? http://www.news1130.com/news/local/article/280453–surrey-won-t-build-light-rail-without-help A candidate for mayor in Vancouver has promised a city-initiated streetcar system, but Watts says Surrey is still waiting […]
Translink and the Interurban
As most of you know, the latest transit proposals from Translink have once again neglected the Interurban. Something had to be said. Here is my Letter to the Editor, now published in the Surrey Leader and other local papers. Interurban gets rough ride from TransLink Published: June 16, 2011 12:00 PM Updated: June 16, 2011 12:23 PM […]
MLA says TransLink priorities are wrong
From the Oh what a suprise Department Look after south of Fraser before considering UBC http://www.langleyadvance.com/news/says+TransLink+priorities+wrong/4646857/story.html Ai?? The Delta Optimist April 20, 2011 Ai?? TransLink better get its priorities straight and look at improving services south of the Fraser River before looking for money to build a SkyTrain line to UBC. Ai?? Delta South MLA […]
Rail For The Valley asked South of Fraser candidates where they stand on light rail. Click here for their responses Of particular interest is the BC Liberal party’s support in principle for a demonstration project to be launched by 2010. (See last page of Questionnaire, BC Liberal party response to Q3: Will you support a […]
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