Brookville’s Off Wire Tram
The Liberty NXT Streetcars feature a three-section articulated car with more than 70% available low-floor standing area, station-level easy boarding achieved through an automatic load leveling system, seating for 40 passengers and the ability to comfortably transport 120 passengers. The streetcar is a 70% low-floor design that measures 66.5 feet (20.27 m) in length and […]

People love their cars or do they?
Portland sometimes struggles to find the right balance between car use and alternative modes of transportation. Striking the balance will require tough choices as population and housing density increase. Michael Lloyd/The Oregonian http://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2012/10/people_like_their_cars_a_fact.html Funny, people love cars. That may be why data released last week by researchers at Metro, the regional government, showed as much. […]
Rob Fordai??i??s subway dream dead
The Toronto Star hates Mayor Ford and everything he wants to do. The Star is Liberal and the mayor is conservative. It has never said anything nice about him. The mayor before him ran on an election promise not to build a bridge to the island airport. No wonder the rest of Canada calls it […]

Will Toronto’s Transit City Return?
In Toronto, it seems politicians are having a lot of fun with transit. New mayor and anti-tram and tea-bag type Rob Ford received a backhand from the voters when they did not give the Ontario Conservatives a mandate to in the recent election. In fact, the brutish antics of Mayor Ford helped in the defeat […]
Electric Hybrid Streetcars coming to Austin?
Austin Cars ExaminerAi?? August 12, 2011 http://www.examiner.com/cars-in-austin/eclectric-hybrid-streetcars-coming-to-austin A glimpse of the possible future of mass transit in the City of Austin was shown to the public on August 11. Kinkisharyo, a global provider of high speed and mass transit rail vehicles, set up a version of their new low floor hybrid electric street car (the […]

Trams are good for your health – 2
Public transport is good for your health and your wallet, according to scientists Switching to public transport could help you lose nearly half a stone a year in weight, new research suggests. Daily Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7861343/Public-transport-is-good-for-your-health-and-your-wallet-according-to-scientists.html Nantes Light Rail Taking the train, tram or bus instead of your car increases physical activity so much that the […]

Light Rail, Tramway & Streetcar news from America
The Cardinal has posted a number of news articles on European Light Rail & Tramway developments in the past month; now from the US comes news of two new transit scheme initiatives and developments on a third. Washington DC Streetcars on track for return to D.C. Washington Post 15 February 2011 http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/mar/15/streetcars-on-track-for-return-to-dc/ Czech built Skoda Inekon […]
Hybrid tram goes live in US city
http://www.independent.co.uk/travel/news-and-advice/hybrid-tram-goes-live-in-us-city-2191448.html The world has hybrid cars, hybrid buses and even hybrid boats – and now it has a hybrid tram (streetcar), unveiled this week in a US city. The patriotically-named “ameriTRAM” was actually built by a subsidiary of Japanese firm The Kinki Sharyo Co and began trundling along the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina January […]

2nd Swiss Tramway opening in the week – Berne
Tram Berne West opens http://www.railwaygazette.com/nc/news/single-view/view/tram-bern-west-opens.html 17 December 2010 SWITZERLAND: Trams now serve the business and residential areas of Bümpliz and Brünnen in the western suburbs of Bern, replacing two former trolleybus routes. On December 12 public transport operator Bernmobil inaugurated its Tram Bern West project, a 6·8 km Y-shaped extension of the city’s light […]

Questions: What density is needed for ‘Rail’ Transit? Does Anyone Really Know?
Simple questions today folks. Over the past few weeks the ugly question of densityAi??Ai??has beenAi??Ai??rearing its ugly head in Vancouver and the Fraser Valley concerning transit. Vancouver council is considering major density increases for Cambie Street because it has the Canada line mini-metro and the same treatment is expected for Broadway if ‘rail‘ transit is […]
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