People love their cars or do they?
Portland sometimes struggles to find the right balance between car use and alternative modes of transportation. Striking the balance will require tough choices as population and housing density increase. Michael Lloyd/The Oregonian Funny, people love cars. That may be why data released last week by researchers at Metro, the regional government, showed as much. […]
Canucks Don’t Do Light Rapid Transit
Certainly, Canada doesn’t do urban, interurban & regional rail based LRT, It used to be that the US was the most intransigent, obdurate & reactionary nation in the western world as far as transit, but the past ten years have seen a massive expansion of Light Rail, LRT, Tramways & Streetcar systems in America […]
Myth: Viable public transport requires high population densities
Common Urban Myths About Transport Myth: Viable public transport requires high population densities Fact: Public transport runs successfully in many cities with similar or lower population densities than Melbourne. Any city with sufficient population density to cause traffic congestion has sufficient population to support a first-rate public transport alternative. This is probably the most widely […]
Vancouver’s Streetcar (Tram) Planning – TransLink Boldly Plans For The 1940’s
Recent comments on various transit blogs, by representatives of TransLink only confirm that TransLink does not wish to build with light rail and their current LRT/streetcar/tram planning for Vancouver is woefully dated. It has been mentioned several times in the past month that a 2010 news item from Karlsruhe Germany, that the main tram line […]
From the Light Rail Now folks – Portland: The freeway city that might have been A?ai??i??ai??? without light rail
The following is from the Light Rail NowAi??Ai?? folks in the USA and gives an interesting insight on how Portland’s LRT stopped highway expansion in the city, giving some valuable lessons for those advocating the return of the interurban. Portland, Oregon is certainly a model of the benefits a good light rail transit (LRT) system […]
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