Notes From The Past
The preceding graph is from the late 1980’s and adjusted for 2024 Canadian dollars: San Diego: $10.25 million/km Portland: $20.25 million/km Nantes: $25.15 million/km Calgary: $30.26 million/km VAL: $56.7 million/km SkyTrain: $66.82 million/km. Please note, the current 16 km Expo Line extension to Langley is now costing in excess of $375 million/km or put another […]

Politcal Penis Envy Drives Subway Costs
This is rather old news and one questions why the media have not picked up on this earlier. Subways cost a lot of money to build, yet they provide no better service than modern light rail, unless traffic flows on the transit route surpass around 20,000 pphpd. Vancouver does not have one route that has […]

Toronto’s 6.2 KM Scarborough Subway Costs Soar To $3.9 Billion – What Will be The Real Cost Of The BS Line?
I include this article from the Toronto Star to illustrate the escalating costs of subway construction. The one stop, 6.2 billion Scarborough subway cost has soared to $3.9 billion and climbing! Vancouver’s 5.7 km six station Broadway subway cost has escalated past its $2.8 billion price tag and now is said to cost $3.5 billion […]

Fiasco Brewing In Toronto
When politicians with little knowledge of transit, involve themselves with transit planning, a fiasco is soon in the making. Vancouver’s BS Line is a good example. It seems Premier Ford is entering the land of pixie dust and sparkle ponies. Instead of planning and building what will work, the Premier thinks a cheaper solution will […]

Canada line Goes Ka-Put – Could Dirty Tunnels Be The Culprit?
The Canada Line was down for three hours on Friday, but if one was looking for evidence of it, well TransLink is doing its best to cleanse the internet from reporting the problem. Trying to avoid the fiasco of last winter, where TransLink abandoned customers, when the Canada Line failed in the snow, officials were […]

China’s Loneliest Subway Station
Metro madness gone wild in China. Looking like a set from a Sci-fi series, building a subway, for the sake of being a subway, has major financial consequences. Let us not make the same mistake in Vancouver, where transit traffic flows along Broadway are less than a third that would justify a subway. Take a […]

A Subway Conversation Unheard in Vancouver
Subways sound great – at first, but when the realities of subway operation, including extremely high costs and user unfriendliness, the love affair with subways tend to wane with customers. The huge cost of subway construction, means economies must be had and in Scarborough, those economies mean a lack of stations. Subway stations are both […]

This Is No April Fools – None The Less, The Fool Is The CBC
I just shake my head at this. At first, I thought it was an April fools joke, but no, it’s not, rather it is a reporting farce. A chap who is a mining shill, with no expertise in public transport is calling for a subway to be built to UBC. All he is trying to […]

Tunneling in Ottawa
When it comes to subways, unless there is no other alternative, Zwei firmly believes they are a vanity project, which only drives up the cost of transit. The same thing happened in Victorian England, where several railways bankrupted themselves by building needless tunnels, because they thought; “a railway isn’t a railway without a tunnel”. The […]

Professor Condon on CBC Radio
A BCIT to UBC surface light rail line would reduce traffic congestion, while at the same time allow cars to access merchants along Broadway UBC Planning Professor Patrick Condon was on CBC Radio on Jan. 29, echoing the growing concern about the proposed Broadway SkyTrain subway sucking away federal monies from other local transit […]
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