80% Support For Light Rail In Surrey

Good news everyone! 80% of the people polled support light rail in Surrey, BC. The bad news is that TransLink is still involved with the planning process. As for the jobs created, especially maintenance jobs, god knows how they come by those figures and is a good example of pulling numbers out of a hat, […]

Ai??koda 30T – a new LRV in Europe

Ai??koda Transportation won the tram tender in Bratislava PlzeA?/Bratislava, 18. 7. 2013 ai??i?? Today, the company Ai??koda Transportation signed the contract for the supply of trams for the Slovakian metropolis Bratislava. It concerns fifteen two-way modern trams for the price of 39 millions of Euros (975 millions of Czech crowns). The tender also includes the […]

Coffee and Trams in Bad Wildbad.

Here we have a Karlsruhe TramTrain at a station or stop in BadAi?? Wildbad in Germany. It seems the closeness of the tram line, winding through the town doesn’t seem to excite the locals, including the folks have a coffee at the track side cafe! One wonders, could such an idyllic scene be possible in […]

Light Rail for Surrey The WKW Line ai??i?? A Rerun from May 2011

  It has been over one year since this post was printed and in that year nothing of substance has been done. In the lower mainland, transit is designed to increase density, thus increasing property values and profits for friends of the government at the expense of the taxpayer. The same is true forLRT/streetcar for […]

Trams, Pedestrians & Bicycles + buses & cars in Amsterdam

Trams, bicycles, pedestrians also buses, motorcycles & cars happily co-existing in Amsterdam. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JeWED7Zilo Just to reassure Ai??theAi??Ai??retardedAi??Ai??dingbats amongst Skyscraper, Ai??Skytrain for Surrey, Translink & Ai??VancouverAi??activistsAi??that it can be done Ai??and that no one was killed or injured during the making of this video a Happy New Year to one & all…. the toast is `Shiney […]

Trams are good for your health – 3

postedAi??from: The Regional Transport Strategy role of Tramways & Light Rail http://www.applrguk.co.uk/files/lruk%20v.1%20role%20of%20light%20rail%20&%20tramways%20v.%20150610.pdf Health Impact of Airborne Pollutants Evidence has now emerged which confirms that the long-term effects of particle air pollution are considerably more significant in damaging Public Health than heart disease. The Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants Report published May 2001, […]

Trams are good for your health – 2

Public transport is good for your health and your wallet, according to scientists Switching to public transport could help you lose nearly half a stone a year in weight, new research suggests. Daily Telegraph http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healthnews/7861343/Public-transport-is-good-for-your-health-and-your-wallet-according-to-scientists.html  Nantes Light Rail Taking the train, tram or bus instead of your car increases physical activity so much that the […]

Trams are good for your health

Woman gives up car to avoid buying gas http://www.azfamily.com/news/local/Woman-gives-up-car-to-avoid-buying-gas-121424504.html PHOENIX – Two months ago, Nicole Underwood had an epiphany. ai???When gas prices hit $3.50 I was like, thatai??i??s it!ai??? she said. She realized that at $3.50, gas stations were charging the same for one gallon of gas as it costs for an all day pass […]

Vancouver considers higher-density housing plans for Cambie Street corridor – Have we given land developers a $2.5 billion subsidy?

From the ‘Well I told you so department’. In Vancouver, expensive subways are built not to move people, but toAi??subsidize land development. Readers of the Rail for the Valley blog know that this announcement was predicted and why there much hype and hoopla in the mainstream media with the recently opened Canada line metro; the […]

MLA says TransLink priorities are wrong

From the Oh what a suprise Department Look after south of Fraser before considering UBC http://www.langleyadvance.com/news/says+TransLink+priorities+wrong/4646857/story.html Ai?? The Delta Optimist April 20, 2011 Ai?? TransLink better get its priorities straight and look at improving services south of the Fraser River before looking for money to build a SkyTrain line to UBC. Ai?? Delta South MLA […]