People love their cars or do they?
Portland sometimes struggles to find the right balance between car use and alternative modes of transportation. Striking the balance will require tough choices as population and housing density increase. Michael Lloyd/The Oregonian http://www.oregonlive.com/opinion/index.ssf/2012/10/people_like_their_cars_a_fact.html Funny, people love cars. That may be why data released last week by researchers at Metro, the regional government, showed as much. […]

US, UK, French & Australian Light Rail & transport news
Plans for New Eco-Trams In Bristol Ai?? Wednesday, May 4th 2011 13:17 http://www.jackbristol.com/newscentre/bristols-news/plans-for-new-eco-trams-in-bristol-6013 Ai?? An artistai??i??s impression of a tram in Bristol Ai?? A consortium has put forward plans for a new eco-tram system in Bristol that would run between Ashton Meadows and Temple Ai??Meads station. If it is given the go ahead, the route […]

Sydney- light rail to be built into Central Business District
All change for light rail Jacob Saulwick Transport The Sydney Morning Herald March 31, 2011 http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/all-change-for-light-rail-20110330-1cgdc.html THE O'Farrell government will soon be asked to approve a sweeping overhaul of Sydney's central business district, including plans for light rail down George Street and significant changes to bus routes. Transport bureaucrats and consultants are close to finishing two […]

High density urban living, not neccessary for good public transport
Units not crucial for good public transport, study finds Andrew West, January 5, 2011 RESIDENTS of Australia's outer suburbs do not have to wait for higher housing densities before getting better public transport, according to new research, which could defuse one of urban planning's biggest controversies. In a paper for the journal Australian Planner, Dr […]
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