On Building The Wrong Type of Transit
An interesting item from Toronto; maybe some TransLink types should read this, or even regional, provincial and federal politicians as well. Investing massive sums of money on dubious subway “vanity projects” pretending that that any investment in public transit is good investment, is a fools game. It is time to design consumer oriented transit, transit […]
Tram problems in Toronto
Next time, forget Bombardier and buy from Siemens or Alstom! TTCai??i??s new streetcars plagued with manufacturing problems CEO Andy Byford wants customers to know initial cars were slow to hit the street because they were badly built. Marcus Oleniuk / Toronto Star Order this photo A TTC worker changes the track for a new model […]
And you think TransLink has problems………
Vancouver is not the only city having financial problems with transit. Toronto is mired in political vanity subway projects and the TTC is steaming full speed ahead into a financial iceberg as well. The Scarborough Subway and Smart Track are about to collide February 12, 2015 | By John Lorinc Anyone who thinks they […]

Trams save operating costs!
Confirming what Zwei has been saying for the past few decades, on modern streetcar or tram is as efficient as four to six buses. The key statement from TTC Chair Councillor Maria Augimeri; “………for every streetcar removed from the downtown core, they would have to be replaced with 3-5 buses.”, confirms what Zwei has been […]
Next-generation streetcars arrive in Toronto for trials
National Post http://news.nationalpost.com/2012/09/27/next-generation-streetcars-arrive-in-toronto-for-trials/ Although it will not be accepting passengers until 2014, the TTCai??i??s next generation of streetcars arrived in the city by freight train this week. Still the property of its builder, Bombardier, the train is in town for a series of trials to see whether it can smoothly navigate Torontoai??i??s streets. The vehicle, […]

Urban Compass – Subways wont win Rob Ford Votes
In a meeting room in Scarborough earlier this month, Mayor Rob Fordai??i??s grand plan to ride to re-election on subway promises drift further off track. It happened deep in the heart of Ford Nation, with a few dozen people gathered in Agincourt for an information session put on by CodeRedTO, a non-partisan group thatai??i??s been […]

Torontoai??i??s Mayor Ford vows to ai???lead the chargeai??i?? in halting light-rail transit
Mayor Rob Ford is pledging to do ai???everything in his powerai??? to stop light-rail lines from running at street level on Eglinton and Sheppard Avenues in Scarborough. One day after losing the fight to save his subway plan at council, the mayor said he is prepared to ai???lead the charge,ai??? for the taxpayers he says […]
In Toronto, a Major Victory for Light Rail
It was an $8.4 billion question that had simmered all year, but finally boiled over this week at Toronto City Hall during a no-holds-barred debate that may well determine the future of city’s transit expansion.* http://www.theatlanticcities.com/commute/2012/02/toronto-major-victory-light-rail/1202/ For years, Toronto struggled to modernize and expand its transit system, which now carries about 500 million riders annually, […]

2011 Year in Review: A tough 12 months for the TTC – With another tough 12 months to come
With Toronto’s Mayor Ford at the helm, The good ship Toronto is steering directly into a financial iceberg, with is subway only transit policy. Ah, The Toronto Transit Commission has had a very tough year and with the election of Mayor “Edsel” will make 2012 even tougher. The realization that ‘shiny’ new subway lines are […]

A Ford Fiasco In Toronto
There are many in the Metro Lobby crowd that think moneyAi??grows on trees and taxpayers just love paying more taxes and modern LRT is nothing more than an “European concept” andAi??not really applicable here in Canada or the USA. What is applicable for grand metro schemes is the extremely high cost of construction and I […]
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