Light rail that works

CALGARYai??i?? From Saturday’s Globe and Mail by Marcus Gee Mayor Rob Ford has left no confusion about how he feels about light-rail transit. One of his first acts as mayor was to declare the death of Transit City, a multibillion-dollar plan for a network of above-ground transit lines. Listening to Mr. Ford, you might […]

European Light Rail news

Light Rail/Tramways in France. Four new Light Rail/Tramways are currently under contruction in France and are scheduled to be opened between 2011 and 2013. The 11.2 km Reims Tramway – 2011 A 12 km Tramway in Angers – 2012 A 14.3 km Tramway in Brest – 2012 A two line, 20 km Tramway in Dijon – […]