Sleeping with the Enemy
All too often public transit advocates are refused access to politicians, in Britain the Light Rail Transit Association LRTA has been instrumental inAi??the setting up of a forumAi??where ministers and their advisors can meet with the industry leaders, campaigners & Light Rail advocates. – the All Party Parliamentary Light Rail Group [APPLRG] http://www.applrguk.co.uk/ APPLRG stands […]
TramTrain – A lesson in Urban, Interurban and regional transportation implementation
Quality integrated public transportation planning & implementation is an eminence which is in short supply in Vancouver, the Fraser Valley And BC as a whole, due in part to the narrow vision of Translink & the BC government. Translink & their advocates, exhibit a worrying arrogance; Vancouver-centric planning Blind determination to continue the expansion of […]

Tales of Buffoonery – Rob FordA?ai??i??ai???s anti streetcar/light rail saga continues!
Mr. Ford's utter stupidity is breathtaking and the financial roller coaster ride he is taking the Toronto taxpayer on is beyond belief. This is the sort of simpleton anti tram, anti light rail planning which seems to be the rigour of right-wing politicians in North America and Europe – to hide their real agendas of increasing car use, […]
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