Incompetence Rules Regional Transit

The minister responsible for TransLink, Selina Robinson, either doesn’t have a clue about public transport or does not care. Most likely a lot of both, because TransLink is on a crash course of; “When you have idiots in charge, do not be surprised at the results”. Harsh, I think not. Operating a public transit service […]

Taxpayer, Can You Spare Billion Or Two?

Simple question, folks; “Anyone with a spare billion or two to move the railway off the Whiterock/Surrey waterfront? $4.6 billion is the minimum being spent to add 12.8 km to the SkyTrain network and with other cities in the region clamouring for future monies be spent in their cities and municipalities, it is doubtful government […]

South Surrey and Whiterock’s Fifteen Year Itch

Every fifteen years or so, the good burghers of Whiterock and South Surrey agitate for the removal of the BNSF tracks that run on the shoreline from the international boarder to Crescent Beach. Not going to happen. Though safety is the supposed concern, Zwei thinks that property values is the real reason as people living […]