Letters to Editors
The letters keep coming…
Rail for the Valley is an issue only because ordinary people have made it an issue. Writing a letter to the editor of your local newspaper is the simplest, most concrete thing you can do for the movement right now.
Send your Letter to the Editor to some of these newspapers (sign your name and address):
Abbotsford News: newsroom@abbynews.com
Abbotsford Times: editorial@abbotsfordtimes.com
Agassiz-Harrison Observer: news@ahobserver.com
Aldergrove Star: newsroom@aldergrovestar.com
BurnabyNewsLeader: newsroom@burnabynewsleader.com
Burnaby Now: editorial@burnabynow.com
Chilliwack Progress: editor@theprogress.com
Chilliwack Times: editorial@chilliwacktimes.com
Delta Optimist: editor@delta-optimist.com
Hope Standard: news@hopestandard.com
Langley Advance: editorial@langleyadvance.com
Langley Times: newsroom@langleytimes.com
Maple Ridge News: editor@mapleridgenews.com
Maple Ridge Times: editorial@mrtimes.com
Mission City Record: news@missioncityrecord.com
Peace Arch News: lpeverley@peacearchnews.com
Richmond Review: news@richmondreview.com
Royal City Record: editorial@royalcityrecord.com
South Delta Leader: editor@southdeltaleader.com
Surrey Leader: newsroom@surreyleader.com
Surrey Now: tzillich@thenownewspaper.com
TriCity News: newsroom@tricitynews.com
Vancouver Courier: editor@vancourier.com
Vancouver Sun: sunletters@png.canwest.com
Vancouver Province: provletters@png.canwest.com
-Sun and Province require name/address/phone.
And send it here to be posted on railforthevalley.com.
Recent Letters:
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Letter Archive:
[pdf-ppt-viewer href=”http://railforthevalley.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Letters_to_the_Editor_Archive.pdf” width=”925″ height=1000″]
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