Election – VOTE VOTE VOTE! – quotes from candidates on RAIL
Posted by John Buker on Monday, May 2, 2011 · 4 Comments
VOTING TIME! Monday May 2.
Of course, there are many factors to consider in deciding how to vote this federal election.
On the issue of Rail for the Valley, the federal government plays a supporting role, with the provincial government providing specific direction. Still, federal politics matter - just ask those who were involved in getting the West Coast Express up and running 20 years ago.
-Your vote matters. Even if you're in a riding where you don't think your vote will make a difference, it makes a difference, because, first of all, you might be wrong. And second of all, when all the votes across the country are all added up, your vote will still be seen as a part of that total, regardless of whether or not your local candidate gets in.
Here are some last quotes to consider when you go to vote tomorrow. Thank you to all candidates who stuck their neck out and actively spoke up on the campaign trail, for passenger rail service for the Fraser Valley.
Some quotes from Candidates (west to east)
"In the current federal general election transportation is the most important local issue for Cloverdale residents. I believe citizens specifically want (they deserve) delivery of an economically feasible public transit alternative to fossil fuel-devouring cars. It's about time we elected a federal MP who advocates for a better transportation option involving a sustainable way to feed into the Lower Mainland transit system. I favour investigating using the old Interurban right-of-way in Cloverdale." -Hardy Staub, Liberal Candidate, Surrey-White Rock-Cloverdale
(On Transportation) "I think the best option right now is to look at a light rail system [as proposed by Rail for the Valley] south of the Fraser River, and we hook into it [via the Golden Ears Bridge]. That would be the most immediate, feasible solution at this point." -Peter Tam, Green Party Candidate, Pitt Meadows-Maple Ridge-Mission
"From a purely economic perspective light rail for the valley on existing right of ways is an excellent deal. I think from a federal perspective investing through a three tiered system of fed, prov, and regional governments with some private partnership would make this the most cost efficient system available to move large amounts of people within the valley. I believe the intent of this system should not be to create a "commuter" system that would ferry people out to Vancouver but rather a regional network built to service the south fraser valley region. This line would open up development opportunities along the route especially focused around the stations which currently are mostly in areas that have little or relatively older commercial and residential activity. Currently, the development in the South Fraser region, especially in the east is along the Number 1 hwy corridor and is directed to auto- mobile individuals. By having light rail an entire different set of commercial opportunities will appear for a completely different type of entrepreneur. This would be another way to strengthen the economic ties between these communities. The huge financial return on this small investment is too good to ignore any longer and I haven't even begun on the social and ecological benefits of the light rail system. We need this now!" -Daniel Bryce, Green Party Candidate, Abbotsford
"With all the government spending that is wasted, 1 billion dollars would be a fantastic deal, "Rail for the Valley"- Chilliwack to Vancouver. Getting people out of their cars, helping the environment, creating sustainable communities around each stop along the way. Jobs that the Rail for the Valley would create, not only the building of the infrastructure of the line itself but the spin-off it would have in jobs in the future would far exceed any start up costs of this endeavour. If elected in Ottawa, I would make this a priority in getting this important project started. Currently their are 700,000 people living in the Valley on this side of the Port Mann, by 2040 their will be a projected 1.5 million." -David Murray, NDP Candidate, Abbotsford
"I've read the study and I do feel that rail for the valley is viable. Support Rail For The Valley." -Gwen O'Mahony, NDP, Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon
"If there's one thing I know about Greens, is that we're for public transportation and everybody I know is right behind this. We actually have a plan right now pushing for high-speed public transportation in heavy community corridors like the Fraser Valley so this is one of the areas where we'd like to see high-speed rail, not just for students, but for workers as well. I see workers every single day at work who are driving into Vancouver to work, that's time away from family, that's time away from their kids, that's time sitting in cars eating junky food half the time and wasting gasoline. So, high-speed rail, rail for the valley is definitely something that we're pushing for and definitely supporting the Rail for the Valley organization." -Jamie Hoskins, Green Party, Chilliwack-Fraser Canyon
Thanks for all your hard work over the years pushing to get this happening. One day it will be drilled into the minds of the people to the point where it will finally click and make so much sense like it does to us today. I just hope that day is sooner than later.
Not much chance of real transit solutions happening now
I agree whole heartedly. The Harper agenda, is not unsimiliar to Gordon Campbell’s but with a twist, to maintain the Conservative/Corporatist seats in Ontario, Harper will lavish billions on Ford’s massively expensive subway plans. The saving grace is that Harper only have 40% support and if there is a populist revolt anywhere in the country against the government, the government will again slip into negative (minority) numbers by the next election. Let us not forget, Mulroney’s (though he jumped ship) Conservatives were reduced to a rump of two seats after the public got fed up with them.
I am just afraid of all the damage he can do in 4 years. And he actually only got the vote of I believe 22% of eligible voters, since turnout was so poor again.
I wonder when the name of the country and anthem will change to go along with the Harper Government vs the Government of Canada.