All-candidates meetings in the Fraser Valley

With the election campaign now in full swing, it’s time to get some concrete answers from the candidates and keep Rail for the Valley on the agenda.

Here is a very incomplete list of All-candidates meetings in the Fraser Valley. Check back for updates. There WILL be more meetings posted as they are announced. (E-mail, or post a comment, to add a meeting to this list.)




Fort Langley-Aldergrove
May 5, 7:00-9:00pm
Fraser River Presentation Theatre
Langley Township Civic Facility
20338 – 65 Avenue

Abbotsford West
May 7, 7:00-9:00pm
UFV Abbotsford campus
Envision Athletic Centre North Gym
*hosted by the UFV Student Society

May 5, 7:00-9:00pm
Heritage Park Secondary School Cafeteria, Abbotsford
*hosted by the UFV Student Society


Abbotsford South
May 6, 7:00-9:00pm
UFV Abbotsford campus
Envision Athletic Centre North Gym
*hosted by the UFV Student Society

Chilliwack (both Chilliwack constituencies?)
May 5, 6:00-9:00pm
Evergreen Hall
9291 Corbould Street

May 6, 7:00-9:00pm
UFV Chilliwack campus
Yale Road – UFV Theatre in Building D
*hosted by the UFV Student Society

May 7, 7:00-9:00pm
UFV Trades and Technology Centre
Tyson Road, in the Oval
*hosted by the UFV Student Society

*For more information on UFV Student Society-hosted meetings, click here.

If you can go to just one meeting in your area, and ask a question… with many of us acting together in doing this, it will make a difference in this election.

*Be prepared: most meetings will require that you submit a written question, and the most common questions will be asked.*


One Response to “All-candidates meetings in the Fraser Valley”
  1. Bryan Vogler says:

    After reading the political responses and the newspaper articles I certainly think this railforthevalley group has done a good job. All in all we have done speeches, won political victories(Abbotsford) and backed the Southern B.C. Railway into the corner.
    There employees now spinning in an economic downturn and fearing job cuts are encouraging there President, Frank Butzelaar to get a deal
    with the Province. It seems the all the puzzle pieces fit together, yet there is an undertone of misunderstanding in the public sector.
    Frank Butzellar wants the government to make a decision fast so he knows if he has to rebuild. Now is the time when the traffic is slow. Less interuptions, and more money saved through contractors desperate to stay alive as high rise towers are left half built.
    B.C. has already ordered more commuter rail cars, Skytrain cars and the Airport tunnel cars. A few more cars for fraser valley passenger rail does not seem Mission impossible. It would be a shame for all of us to go this far down the line and derail a demonstration project because of a political party prejudice to seek a different solution.
    Two weeks a go the Conservative government had a chance to partially stop auto emissions and improve the air quality. Instead they decided to bail Chrysler out, and if they had not the air would be cleaner today. That basic concept of the automaker holding the government acountable for their failure is the future of Canada. It flies in the face of fools whom we elect on the promise of light rail for the valley. It is this public conception of cars versus light rail that groups like ours are seen as people who want to take cars of the road. Other than that perspective we left the voters power to tell politicians they seek an alternative from the big automakers.
    Good luck to all those people involved in making this light rail a success
    and we are not at the end of the line yet.
    Bryan Vogler