In Toronto Developers Want Light Rail and Not A Subway!

Something new.

In Toronto, developers want light rail and not an expensive subway to replace their life expired SkyTrain Line, the Scarborough R/T. What should be of interest is that the ridership on the proposed LRT/subway route, is more than the proposed SkyTrain subway under Broadway.

Maybe Vision(less) Vancouver would rethink their grand Broadway subway plans, especially if their developer friends had to foot the bill for the $3 billion subway.

Subways are easy to plan for, especially if you are not paying for it.


Developers challenge Scarborough subway with OMB appeal

The organization representing developers is fighting the city at the Ontario Municipal Board over the controversial Scarborough subway

The Scarborough subway would replace the aging Scaborough RT.

Marcus Oleniuk / Toronto Star file photo

The Scarborough subway would replace the aging Scaborough RT.

By: City Hall reporter, Published on Thu Nov 26 2015

A powerful organization representing developers and builders says the city should scrap plans to build the Scarborough subway because the number of potential riders doesnai??i??t justify the $3.56 billion price tag.

The Building Industry and Land Development Association, better known as BILD, is taking on the city at the provincial body that handles land and development disputes, the Ontario Municipal Board, the Star has learned, a move that could cost the city millions.

For the full story……..


One Response to “In Toronto Developers Want Light Rail and Not A Subway!”
  1. Haveacow says:

    What a bunch of hypocrites, these were the same guys who were pushing for the subway 2-3 years ago claiming that you can’t make enough development money from LRT. Now the city of Toronto says “you know what, if you want a subway so badly, you help pay for it through high development charges”! Now that they know the city was serious, they become LRT fans and willing to take their case to the OMB to defend LRT. I will say it again, what a bunch of hypocrites.

    Zwei replies: I thought it strange that they changed from subway to LRT, but then, I guess they felt the tax bite! When one actually has to pay for a project, does one get concerned!

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