Dieting Is Mandatory On Some Of Lisbon’s Tram Routes

Who says trams can not operate in narrow confines?

One of the regular complaints by various city engineering departments is that; “There isn’t the road space for LRT”.


For every LRT complaint, there is always an answer to the contrary.

Zwei is not advocating, that trams should operate in exactly the same tight places, but certainly Broadway is wide enough for light rail operation.


One Response to “Dieting Is Mandatory On Some Of Lisbon’s Tram Routes”
  1. Haveacow says:

    There is a cog railway I was on in Switzerland where the spaces between the trains and the walls of the buildings on either side of the right of way are measured in millimeters. I have often felt that many of our modern tolerances for minimum distances are a little overly enforced and sometimes to our detriment. yes, these are very old single truck trams running in streets that would never be built in our modern cities but it seems to work just fine.

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