Is a real Tramway (Read: Light Rail) Coming to Canada?

A Bordeaux tram on a lawned and hedged R-o-W.

For Those Who Want An Aerial Tramway To SFU

This has just happened and file it in “I told you so” department”. When things go wrong, they go wrong very badly. When aerial tramways fail, the result is catastrophic. Those who promote exotic transit modes do not think about safety or the constant maintenance needed to keep the transit mode safe. A recent comment […]

How Much Will The SFU Aerial Tramway Cost To Operate?

Cutting through TransLink’s hype and hoopla about the proposed aerial tramway to Simon Fraser University and despite their sham public input process, they remain mute on operating costs. This is a Trojan Horse, because the annual subsidies need to operate it must come from other regions in TransLink’s vast empire, notably the South Fraser. The […]

By coincidence

Strange thing that, on the same day the RftV blog exposed certain connections with the TransLink board and Simon Fraser University, the TransLink Board pulled the plug of the Univercity cheap transit passes. One wonders if the same treatment will happen to the SFU aerial tramway as well? TransLink pulls plug on UniverCity cut-rate pass […]

From The Local News………………

From the Vancouver Sun and the Vancouver Province Opinion: TransLink's math on U-Pass fraud is questionable One in six students would have to resell their transit pass each year to cause $15 million in losses By Stephen Hume, Vancouver Sun – May 27, 2011 Forgive my doubting nature, but I'm not ready to buy […]

Tensions rise over proposed Simon Fraser University gondola – TransLink Uses RftV estimates!

Portland's aerial tramway intermediate 60 metre tower. If Portland has one, then TransLink wants one too!, this is called the 'neat' factor. TransLink just doesn't get it, the organization never has. The 'consultation' process, including community meetings is a sham, with TransLink any sort of consultation process is a sham. It seems now what is happening […]