Lawned rights-of-ways = non-user friendly & green transit
In stark contrast to SkyTrain’s and RAV/Canada Line’s (in Richmond) ugly elevated concrete viaducts, Europe is greening their tram-lines. European transit authorities are lawning their tram routes, creating a park like atmosphere, which is further enhanced by trees, shrubbery and statuary. Tram lines, either ballast and tie on the ground or elevated on a viaduct can be an eyesore, but by ‘greening‘ the tram formationAi??Ai??and making it a linear park certainly makes new LRT lines an easier sell to local residents; making the tram-line non-user friendly. Even the German Federal Railways (DB) are experimenting with lawned rights-of-ways for ecologically sensitive areas along the railway’s mainline.
The photo shows a Grenoble tram, with a simple station, operating on a lawned rights-of-way, as it were operating in a small park. Certainly the Arbutus Corridor is a natural for lawned light-rail tracks, but also imagine if you will, lawnedAi??Ai??interurban line in Cloverdale, Langley, Abbotsford, and Chilliwack, with the Valley interurban becoming aAi??Ai??vast linear park connecting town centres. Talk about green transit!
I was in Stuttgart 18 years ago and rode a tram that went right through the middle of their major city park. The actual rail bed wasn’t lawned, but it was lined with flower beds and a miniature white picket fence no more than 18 inches tall. I think it would be wonderful along False Creek, Arbutus and all the way out to Chilliwack.
What about the people who live along the tracks right now??
Lawned rights-of-ways have been applauded by local residents, as it has turned ugly rail (mostly rail & ballast) lines into linear parks; ascetically appealing. The lawned LRT line has been one of the defining features on 21st century public transit; no other transit mode can use a lawned (read green) rights-of-way.