Lies, damn lies, statistics and ART

From the “You’d better believe it” Department Although sometimes attributed to Mark Twain ai??i?? because it appears in his posthumously-published Autobiography (1924) ai??i?? this should more properly be ascribed to Disraeli, as indeed Twain took trouble to do: his exact words being, ai???The remark attributed to Disraeli would often apply with justice and force: ai???There […]

A Tram for All Seasons

Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer Praise for our ice-beating tram staff from the people of Croydon AMID the gridlocked roads, cancelled trains and rerouted buses, there was one form of transport that remained on the right track during last week’s snowfall. Croydon’s trams weathered the conditions to run a near-perfect […]