A 2010 retrospective and a happy New Year!

Itai??i??s traditional for the media and bloggers alike to wrap up the retreating year or welcome in the New Year with a retrospective of all that was bad, depressing, frustrating, good, humorous, irritating, scandalous or just plain bizarre in the twelve months that finished on the stroke of midnight on 31st December. Stephen Reesai??i??s blog […]

THE LLANDUDNO GREAT ORME TRAMWAY – Wales almost forgotten cable car!

Another visit to the U.K. today, to the Great Orme TramwayAi??Ai??or cable car/funicular, whichAi??Ai??travels on-street for part of its journey and is located in Llandudno Wales The GreatAi??Ai??Orme Tramway isAi??Ai??Great Britain’s only remaining cable operated street tramway and one of only three surviving in the world. Operation of the tramway differs from the famous and […]

From the BBC – Wales Southwest: The Swansea and Mumbles Railway, the first public railway that ended as LRT!

A little history lesson today: The Swansea and Mumbles Railway, the first public railway which operated fromAi??Ai??1807 to 1960.Ai??Ai??Starting fromAi??Ai??horse drawnAi??Ai??converted rail carriages, the Swansea and Mumbles Railway ended up as a light rail/interurban line, using rather large double-deck electric trams. Ai??Ai??   Early Days of Mumbles Railway Ai??Ai?? From a four-wheeled dandy attracting international […]