Compass Card Fiasco

Installed but not working. Until the compass Card becomes operational the turnstiles stay idle, paying silent testament to TransLink’s incompetence. As expected, TransLink’s new Compass Card is turning into a fiasco and now the transit agency is contemplating a single zone for buses. Because of TransLink’s simple three zone fare system and full fare/concession fare […]

Bait and Gate – The Fare Gate Scandal Unfolds

Well, Rail for the Valley told you so, but with the hoopla in the mainstream media and on certain radio station, to a certain lobbyist’s delight, fueledAi??a public frenzyAi??on the subject of fareAi??evasion. So much so, was the public’s anger over fare evasion, the public demanded fare gates be installed at all SkyTrain stations. The […]

Faregate Hoopla – In TransLink’s World 1 + 1 =3

Lots of hoopla in the media today about TransLink’s daft $175 million fare-gate program, with the first fare gates being installed at the Marine Drive Canada Line Station. The taxpayer is anteing up over $175 million to retrofit fare-gates to Vancouver’s mini-metro system and with operating costs estimated to exceed $15 million annually, one wonders, […]

The Fare Evasion Fiasco – Why Spend $171 million to save $4.38 million Annually?

The real story of course is that Premier Campbell’s political crony, Ken Dobell, acted as a lobbyist for Cubit Industries who are putting in the turnstiles at SkyTrain stations. In what amounts to massive overkill, a $171 million turnstile system with about $15 million annual operating costs, toAi??Ai??deter an approximatelyAi??Ai??$4.38 annual loss due to fare […]

From the Vancouver Province – Transit must derail cheats: Politicos

Here we go again department. The hoary old turnstile debate is again before us and leading the charge is Richmond council, wonderful. The current council in Richmond know little, if anything, about transit and I would suspect that the ‘turnstile issue’ is nothing but a propaganda ploy to hide the real problems with our light-metro […]