The Sunday Supplement Essay

The fall out from Surrey Mayor Dianne Watts State of the City report Tuesday, has raged far & wide in the BC papers and on the blogosphere, not unexpectedly much of the debate has centered on the link between transport or transit, development or land use and city planning, residential unit design or population density. […]

Surrey Mayor Watts ups the TransLink ante – ‘We’re redefining Surrey’

Following on from Zweisai??i?? earlier posting of the Vancouver Sunai??i??s reporting of Mayor Dianne Wattsai??i??s state of city address `Surrey looks to light rail to ease huge growth’ `SkyTrain is too expensive, Mayor Dianne Watts says’ the Surrey Now paperAi?? published the following article on Tuesday: ‘We’re redefining Surrey,’ mayor says at annual State of […]

Tram makers hit curve as markets adjust

Financial Times London Published: April 8 2011 15:43 By Robert Wright The segregated track that carries smart Citadis trams alongside the Aegean in Voula on the outskirts of Athens could scarcely form a more marked contrast with the tram line that snakes down the narrow, cobbled streets of the St Gilles district in Brussels. […]

U.S Light Rail & Tram news

Firstly a report from abc in Phoenix Arizona Record light rail ridership due to gas price hikes? Light rail ridership has hit a new record, at the same time as gas prices did the same. But Metro is being careful about drawing conclusions. Nearly 1.2 million riders used the light rail in March, […]

Light Rail news from around Europe

HK order low-floor trams from Transtech April 1 2011 Helsinki City Transport (HKL) and the Finnish Rail rolling stock manufacturer Transtech signed an agreement to purchase 40 new trams on 24 March. The contract comprises of 40 trams and a possible further 90, if the tram extensions of Helsinki go to plan. The […]

Pushing a wooden stake through the heart of darkness

 I raised my head. The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds, and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky–seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness." – Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness    It has not been a very good […]

The Good & Bad; News from Toronto

Firstly the good news; Toronto's transit system will receive 39 kilometres of new subway and light rail track in a $12-billion expansion package announced by the province and city on Thursday. Ontario invests billions in Toronto transit 'spine' Thu. Mar. 31 2011 1:01 PM ET Toronto's transit system will receive 39 kilometres of […]

Sydney- light rail to be built into Central Business District

All change for light rail  Jacob Saulwick Transport  The Sydney Morning Herald March 31, 2011 THE O'Farrell government will soon be asked to approve a sweeping overhaul of Sydney's central business district, including plans for light rail down George Street and significant changes to bus routes. Transport bureaucrats and consultants are close to finishing two […]

1st Alstom Citadis LRV’s for UK

Tramlink Nottingham NET Phase Two Preferred Bidder Named Nottingham City Council has selected Tramlink Nottingham as its preferred bidder to build two new tram lines to Clifton and Chilwell (NET Phase Two) and operate the extended tram network. One of the proposed routes will see a line from Nottingham City Centre to Toton […]

The Emperor has no Clothes and no Transit

Vancouver is at first glance a beautiful city. It is surrounded by sweeping vistas and a dramatic skyline. The climate is moderate butAi??spend some time here and scratch the surface and it becomes far less attractive. It is a city that is divided politically; it is parochial, narrow minded and shallow. The people are characterless, […]